More Questions on History
- Q. Who founded Anushulin Samiti in 1907 in Dhaka?
A)Kali Mohan Das
B)Shambhuchand Mukherjee
C)Barindra Ghosh and Bhupendra Nath Dutt
D)Jogesh Chandra Dutt
Answer: E
- Q. Which of the following was a leader of the Hindustan Socialist Republican Army founded in 1928?
A)Bhagat Singh
B)Khudiram Bose
C)Chandra Shekhar Azad
D)Subhash Chandra Bose
Answer: Chandra Shekhar Azad
- Q. What is meant by Mughalai?
A)Very rich food
B)Infantry of the Mughals
C)Royal household
D)Mughal territories from which Chauth was claimed
Answer: Mughal territories from which Chauth was claimed
- Q. For which period did Harihara Raya II of Sangma dynasty ruled the Vijaynagara Empire?
Answer: 1377-1404
- Q. Visakhadatta sketches the event after the death of Samudragupta in his work
A)Devi Chand Guptam
Answer: Mudrarakasam
- Q. The Muslim League demanded a separate homeland for Indian Muslims for the first time at its :
A)Lucknow session in 1916
B)Lahore session in 1940.
C)Meerut Session 1946
D)Tripuri Session in 1939
Answer: Lahore session in 1940.
- Q. In Tamil Nadu, the movement started with __________ and __________
A)The Vaisnava Alvars
B)The Saiva Nayanars
C)Nirguna Saints
D)Both A & B
Answer: Both A & B
- Q. The Constituent Assembly was formed on the recommendations of the
A)Cabinet Mission Plan
B)Government of India Act, 1935
C)Cripps' Mission
D)Mountbatten Plan
Answer: Cabinet Mission Plan
- Q. Assertion (A): Firuz Shah Tughlaq did not leavy jizya tax. Reason (R): His influential minister Khan-i-Jahan Maqbul was a converted Hindu.
A)Both A and R are true but R is not a correct explanation of A
B)Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A
C)A is true but R is false
D)A is false but R is true
Answer: A is false but R is true
- Q. The Shuddhi Movement, involving the conversion of non-Hindus to Hinduism, was started by
A)Raja Ram Mohan Roy
B)Swami Vivekanand
C)Swami Dayanand Saraswati
D)Aurobindo Ghosh
Answer: Swami Dayanand Saraswati
- Q. Which of the following contains the famous Gayatri Mantra?
D)Aitareya Brahmana
Answer: Rigveda
- Q. Indirect election was introduced in India by the Act of
Answer: 1892
- Q. Which one of the following coins was issued in silver during the Gupta period?
Answer: Rupyaka
- Q. The Congressmen who wanted to contest the elections under the Act of 1919 and enter the legislature, formed a party (1923) called
A)Congress Swarajya Party
B)Swaraj Party
C)Nationalist Party
D)Liberal Party
Answer: Swaraj Party
- Q. The Non-Cooperation Movement under Gandhi was in full swing during the Viceroyalty of
Answer: Reading
- Q. The Upanishads are separated from the Brahmanas by treatises called __________
Answer: Aranyakas
- Q. The term ‘Yavanapriya’ mentioned in ancient Sanskrit texts denoted
C)A fine variety of Indian muslin
D)Damsels sent to the Greek court for dance performance
Answer: Pepper
- Q. Which of the following is/are the main aim/s of Young Bengal Movement?
A)Question all authority and oppose decadent customs and traditions
B)Inspire pupil to think freely and rationally
C)Love liberty, equality and freedom
D)All the above
Answer: All the above
- Q. Shuja-ud-Daulah was the Nawab of
Answer: Awadh
- Q. How did the Maurya Empire finally end?
A)The Kanvas of Central India deposed the last Mauryan ruler
B)The last Mauryan ruler was killed by his General
C)The last Mauryan ruler was killed in a battle with the foreign invader from the north-west
D)The last mauryan ruler had no heir and the throne was claimed by one of his powerful ministers
Answer: The last Mauryan ruler was killed by his General
- Indian History
- Ancient History
- Indus Valley Civilisation
- Jainism And Buddhism
- Mauryan Empire
- Magadha Empire
- Harshavardhana Empire
- Vedic Age
- Medieval History
- Bhakti Movement
- Gulam Dynasty
- Khalji Dynasty
- Lodi and Sayyid Dynasty
- Tughlaq Dynasty
- Maratha Empire
- Sikh Empire
- Mughal Empire
- 18th Century Revolts And Reform
- British Rule
- Modern Indian
- Independence
- World History