
Last Update Jan 2023

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Earnings Disclaimer

Building a business takes time, hard work, and continuous learning. There is no guarantee that you will see the exact same results as I have seen over the years.

Affiliate Disclaimer

Certain products/services and links to products/services are affiliate links, and I may earn a commission for any purchases that you make. Occasionally, I am compensated to give my honest opinion on products and/or services. This will not incur additional cost to you.

I mention these products and services to you because I believe in them and want to help you improve your life. I only recommend products or services that I feel deliver value to you. With full disclosure, of course, Yoursite is a for-profit business, which means I do earn an income with this website.

To make it easy on the both of us, you should assume that any links leading you to products or services are affiliate links and that I will receive commission from your purchase.

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We are also affiliated with Amazon and other e-commerce websites. We make some revenue when you buy after clicking our links (at no extra cost to you).

But our views are not biased just because we make affiliate money.

We do our best effort to provide you the authentic information.

Let me know if you have any questions.

