Q. A ‘Sabha’ in the Vedic period was a/an


Correct Answer : National Assembly of all Citizens of the State.

Q. After the growth of the Vedic religion the most important development in the history of the so-called Hinduism was the development of


Correct Answer : Bhagavatism

Q. Aryabhatta and Varahamihira lived during the


Correct Answer : Gupta Period

Q. Ayurveda’ has its origin in


Correct Answer : Atharva Veda

Q. Division of the Vedic society into four classes is clearly mentioned in the


Correct Answer : Purusa-sukta of Rigveda

Q. Earlier mathematicians (i.e. those who came before medieval Indian mathematicians) had taught that X/O = X; who among the following proved that it was infinity?


Correct Answer : Bhaskara

Q. Find the odd one


Correct Answer : Vishnu Purana

Q. From where the famous ‘Gayatri Mantra’ has been taken?


Correct Answer : Rig Veda

Q. I. System of Purva Mimamsa was propagated by sage Jaimini, a disciple of Veda Vyasa. II. The main objective of the Purva Mimamsa School is to interpret and establish the authority of the Vedas. Which of the statement(s) given above is/are correct related to the Purva Mimamsa?


Correct Answer : Both I and II

Q. I. The Vedanta, or Uttara Mimamsa, school concentrates on the philosophical teachings of the Upanishads (mystic or spiritual contemplations within the Vedas), rather than the Brahmanas (instructions for ritual and sacrifice). II. The Vedanta focus on meditation, self-discipline and spiritual connectivity, more than traditional ritualism. Which of the statement(s) given above is/are correct related to the Uttara Mimamsa or Vedanta?


Correct Answer : Both I and II