More Questions on History
- Q. Where was the first session of the Indian National Congress held?
Answer: Bombay
- Q. The Persian ruler who besieged Qandhar in Jahangir’s reign was
A)Shah Parvez
B)Shah Muhammad
C)Shah Abbas
D)Shah Raza
Answer: Shah Abbas
- Q. What was the name of the Sabha started by Debendranath Tagore?
A)Dharma Sabha
B)Arya Samaj
C)Tattvabodhini Sabha
D)Tattvabodhini Samaj
Answer: Tattvabodhini Sabha
- Q. The portion of the actual produce fixed as state’s share under the Zabti System of Mughals was __________
Answer: One-third
- Q. Which of the following was the achieved milestone of the Non-Cooperation Movement of 1921?
A)Indian obtains some political rights
B)It stopped the injustice done to the Khilafat
C)The Hindus and the Muslims came closer in political pursuit
D)It avenged the Punjab atrocities
Answer: The Hindus and the Muslims came closer in political pursuit
- Q. The economy of the Indus Valley people was based on?
A)Trade and Commerce
D)All the above
Answer: All the above
- Q. The Sufi Saint, contemporary of Prithviraj Chauhan, was
A)Sheikh Salim Chisti
B)Khwaja Muinuddin Chisti
C)Sheikh Nizamuddin Auliya
D)Baba Farid
Answer: Khwaja Muinuddin Chisti
- Q. Babur summoned the pupils of the famous architect Sinan from
Answer: Constantinople
- Q. Who is the excavator of Harappa site?
A)Rakhal das Bannerji
B)Daya ram sahni
D)B.K. Thapar
Answer: Daya ram sahni
- Q. Muslim League was founded in the year
Answer: 1906
- Q. Through which one of the following, the king exercised his control over villages in the Vijayanagar Empire?
Answer: Mahanayakacharya
- Q. In Akbar’s regime,__________ was the military head
A)Suri Moja
B)Sultan Ahmed Fawad
C)Mir Khaas
D)Mir Bakshi
Answer: Mir Bakshi
- Q. Which is the holy book of the Sikh religion?
B)Bhagwad Gita
D)Guru Granth Sahib
Answer: Guru Granth Sahib
- Q. As per ‘August Offer 1940’ the Constitution of India would be drawn by
A)House of Lords
B)House of Commons
C)Princely States
Answer: Indians
- Q. Which of the following pairs is correctly matched?
A)Buddhist order or organisation
B)Buddhist monastery
C)A kind of tomb where the relics of Buddha and other Buddhist monks are kept
D)A Buddhist assembly hall or temple
Answer: A kind of tomb where the relics of Buddha and other Buddhist monks are kept
- Q. Tolkappiyam is associated with the
A)second Sangam period
B)first Sangam period
C)third Sangam period
D)post-third Sangam period
Answer: second Sangam period
- Q. Muhammad-bin-Tughlaq was a failure because
A)He was not a practical states man
B)He was mad
C)He transferred the capital
D)He waged war with China
Answer: He was not a practical states man
- Q. Mahatma Gandhi broke his epic fast unto death on September 26, 1932 after the Poona Pact, which provided for
A)reservation of 48 seats for the depressed classes in different provincial legislatures
B)common electorate for all Hindus
C)reservation of 18 per cent of the seats in the Central Legislature
D)All the above
Answer: All the above
- Q. Who compiled the tales of “The Panchatantra”?
A)Veda Vyasa
C)Vishnu Sharma
Answer: Vishnu Sharma
- Q. Whom would you associate with the Censorship of the Press Act 1794?
A)Andrew Frazer
B)Charles Metcalfe
C)Lord Wellesly
D)Lord Auckland
Answer: Lord Wellesly
- Indian History
- Ancient History
- Indus Valley Civilisation
- Jainism And Buddhism
- Mauryan Empire
- Magadha Empire
- Harshavardhana Empire
- Vedic Age
- Medieval History
- Bhakti Movement
- Gulam Dynasty
- Khalji Dynasty
- Lodi and Sayyid Dynasty
- Tughlaq Dynasty
- Maratha Empire
- Sikh Empire
- Mughal Empire
- 18th Century Revolts And Reform
- British Rule
- Modern Indian
- Independence
- World History