More Questions on History
- Q. As per ‘August Offer 1940’ the Constitution of India would be drawn by
A)House of Lords
B)House of Commons
C)Princely States
Answer: Indians
- Q. Which of the following statement is not correct about Raja Ram Mohan Roy?
A)He died in Indian in 1833
B)Raja Ram Mohan Roy was born in a well-to-do family in Bengal, probably in 1772
C)He was given the title of Raja by the Mughal Emperor
D)He started the newspaper named "Sambad Kaumudi"
Answer: He died in Indian in 1833
- Q. Which of the following statement is correct definition of Nirguna?
A)It is the concept of a formless Guru
B)It is the concept of a formless God
C)It is the concept of spirituality
D)None of the above
Answer: It is the concept of a formless God
- Q. Hernan Cortez was a Conquistador from
Answer: Spain
- Q. In order to study the position of education Indian constitutional commission was constituted in 1929 under the chairmanship of
A)Phillip Reading
B)Phillip Uartog
C)Uartog Reading
D)None of these
Answer: Phillip Uartog
- Q. Which of the following statement is not correct about the provisions of the Government of India Act,1858?
A)A council of fifteen members was appointed to assist the Secretary of State for India
B)The Queen's Principal Secretary of State received the powers and duties of the Company's Court of Directors
C)For all the communications between Britain and India, the Secretary of State became the real channel
D)All the above statements are incorrect
Answer: All the above statements are incorrect
- Q. Which revolutionary said – “freedom is objective of our life and the Hindu religion would led us to the attainment of this objective?”
A)Narayan Guru
B)Vinoba Bhave
C)Dayanand Sarshwati
D)Aurobindo Ghosh
Answer: Aurobindo Ghosh
- Q. Who were the Axis powers in World War-II?
A)Italy, Japan, Britain
B)Poland, Japan, Germany
C)Germany, Italy, France
D)Germany, Italy, Japan
Answer: Germany, Italy, Japan
- Q. Jahangir was the son of
D)Shah Jahan
Answer: Akbar
- Q. Which was the oldest University?
Answer: Nalanda
- Q. Who is the first European to reach New Zealand
A)James Cook
B)Abel Tasman
C)Willem Janszoon
D)Anthony van Diemen
Answer: Abel Tasman
- Q. When the August Offer 1940 was offered to India the Prime Minister of England was
Answer: Churchill
- Q. Who was the first English President of the Indian National Congress?
A)William Wedderburn
B)George Yule
C)A. O. Hume
D)Henry Cotton
Answer: George Yule
- Q. Akbar had incorporated some principles of social reforms in the Din-i-illahi. Which of the following social reforms did not form part of Din-i- illahi?
A)Prohibition of child marriage
B)Remarriage of widows
D)Rejection of seclusion of women
Answer: Rejection of seclusion of women
- Q. Sarojini Naidu was elected Congress President at :
A)Bombay, 1934
B)Haripura, 1938
C)Madras Session, 1927
D)Kanpur Session ,1925
Answer: Kanpur Session ,1925
- Q. In which year Japan attacked Manchuria
Answer: 1931
- Q. Assertion (A): The nobility under Muhammad bin Tughlaq was a highly homogeneous one. Reason (R): Royal intervention in the iqta system was as its peak under Muhammad Tughlaq.
A)Both A and R are true but R is not a correct explanation of A
B)Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A
C)A is true but R is false
D)A is false but R is true
Answer: A is false but R is true
- Q. Which of the following pairs of persons are correctly matched? I. Chandragupta-II : Fa-Hien II. Skandagupta: I-tsing III. Harsha: Hiuen Tsang
A)I, II and III
B)I and II
C)I and III
D)II and III
Answer: I and III
- Q. Who had set up the Anti-Untouchability League for the eradication of the evil of untouchability?
A)Dr. B. R. Ambedkar
B)Jagjivan Ram
C)Acharya Kripalani
D)Mahatma Gandhi
Answer: Mahatma Gandhi
- Q. The Moplahs of Malabar (Kerala) who were largely Muslim leaseholders and cultivators, indulged in a series of rebellions in Kerala between 1836-1919. Which of the following regarding these Moplah uprisings is not true?
A)These uprisings were a peculiar form of rural terrorism
B)They were mainly directed against the upper caste Hindu landlords
C)Most of the Moplah martyrs were poor peasants of landless lobourers
D)A small band of Moplahs committed collective suicides in the belief of being called Shahids (martyrs)
Answer: A small band of Moplahs committed collective suicides in the belief of being called Shahids (martyrs)
- Indian History
- Ancient History
- Indus Valley Civilisation
- Jainism And Buddhism
- Mauryan Empire
- Magadha Empire
- Harshavardhana Empire
- Vedic Age
- Medieval History
- Bhakti Movement
- Gulam Dynasty
- Khalji Dynasty
- Lodi and Sayyid Dynasty
- Tughlaq Dynasty
- Maratha Empire
- Sikh Empire
- Mughal Empire
- 18th Century Revolts And Reform
- British Rule
- Modern Indian
- Independence
- World History