Q. Champaran Satyagraha was related to

Correct Answer


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    B)Only I
    C)Both I and II
    D)Neither I nor II
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    B)340 BC
    C)189 BC
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    B)Only II
    C)II and III
    D)All of the above
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    B)Rani Laxmibai - Indore
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    A)All the above statement
    B)Only I
    C)Only II and III
    D)Only I and II
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    A)2500 BC - 1700 BC
    B)2400 BC - 1700 BC
    C)2400 BC - 1750 BC
    D)2500 BC - 1750 BC
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    C)Both I and II
    D)Neither I nor II
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    B)Abul fazl
    C)Mulla daud
    D)Abdul haq
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