More Questions on History
- Q. Who was the first to distinguish between cause and immediate origins of an event?
Answer: Thucydides
- Q. The main cause for the Instant popularity of the Arya Samaj was that
A)It supported and worded for the cause of western education
B)It represented the purified form of Hinduism
C)It combined the opposition to the evil practices of Hinduism with an aggressive assertion of the superiority of the Vedic religion and Indian thought over all other faiths
D)It gave a call to its followers to go back to the Vedas
Answer: It combined the opposition to the evil practices of Hinduism with an aggressive assertion of the superiority of the Vedic religion and Indian thought over all other faiths
- Q. At midnight on December 31, 1929 who unfurled the tricolor flag on Indian Independence on the banks of the Ravi at Lahore?
A)Subhas Bose
B)Mahatma Gandhi
C)Jawaharlal Nehru
D)Motilal Nehru
Answer: Jawaharlal Nehru
- Q. Which of the following is the ceremony of initiation of education in Buddhism?
Answer: Pabajja
- Q. Communal Representation was for the first time given in the interest of Muslims by
A)The Government of India Act of 1919
B)The Indian Council Act of 1909
C)The Government of India Act of 1935
D)The Act of 1858
Answer: The Indian Council Act of 1909
- Q. Khan Abdul Ghaffar Khan, better known as Frontier Gandhi, organised the Red Shirt Movement in the NorthWest Frontier Province (NWFP) for
A)establishing separate Pakhtoonistan
B)countering the communal propaganda of the Muslim League
C)social and religious reforms
D)All the above
Answer: social and religious reforms
- Q. Who was the first to call the revolt of 1857 as an organized war for national Independence?
A)Dr. S Gopal
B)Ashok Mehta
C)Syed Hasan Imam
D)V. D. Savarkar
Answer: V. D. Savarkar
- Q. Which of the Delhi sultans pursued the policy of blood and iron?
A)Ghiyasuddin Tughlaq
B)Alauddin Khalji
Answer: Balban
- Q. After Alexander’s death the Eastern part of his empire came under
B)Seleucus Nicator
Answer: Seleucus Nicator
- Q. Hernan Cortez was a Conquistador from
Answer: Spain
- Q. According to Gandhi, ahimsa could not be construed to mean
A)a positive state of law
C)tolerance of the wrong and unjust
D)doing good even to the evildoers
Answer: tolerance of the wrong and unjust
- Q. All souls day is a __________ festival.
Answer: Christian
- Q. Who among the following had been a high court judge, an economist, a social reformer, among the founders or the INC, besides being regarded by A O Hume as his political guru?
A)Pheroze Shah Mehta
B)Surendranath Banerjee
C)Mahadev Gobind Ranade
D)Dadabhai Naoroji
Answer: Mahadev Gobind Ranade
- Q. Daiva Dasakam is a Malayalam work of __________
A)Chattambi Swamikal
B)Sree Narayana Guru
C)C. Kesavan
D)T. K. Madhavan
Answer: Sree Narayana Guru
- Q. Which Roman Emperor had banned the ancient Olympic games
B)Julius Caesar
Answer: Theodosius
- Q. In his inscriptions Ashoka called himself
A)Ashoka Priyadarshi
B)Devanampriya Priyadarshi King
C)Dhammasoka (Dharmasoka)
Answer: Devanampriya Priyadarshi King
- Q. Who took control of the kingdoms of Austrasia and Neustria in a coup of 753?
A)Charles Martel
C)Pepin of Herstal
D)Pepin the Short
Answer: Pepin the Short
- Q. Who said that “My ultimate aim is to wipe every tear from every eye”?
A)Mahatma Gandhi
B)Lord Curzon
C)Jawahar Lal Nehru
D)Daya Nand Saraswati
Answer: Jawahar Lal Nehru
- Q. When Humayun was in exile Koh-i-noor Diamond was with
A)Shah Tahmasp of Persia
B)The Raja Bikramajid
C)Sultan of Bijapur
D)Sher Shah
Answer: Shah Tahmasp of Persia
- Q. Who among the following attacked the Somnath temple?
A)Muhammad Ghori
B)Mahmud of Ghazni
D)Qutb-ud-din Aibak
Answer: Mahmud of Ghazni
- Indian History
- Ancient History
- Indus Valley Civilisation
- Jainism And Buddhism
- Mauryan Empire
- Magadha Empire
- Harshavardhana Empire
- Vedic Age
- Medieval History
- Bhakti Movement
- Gulam Dynasty
- Khalji Dynasty
- Lodi and Sayyid Dynasty
- Tughlaq Dynasty
- Maratha Empire
- Sikh Empire
- Mughal Empire
- 18th Century Revolts And Reform
- British Rule
- Modern Indian
- Independence
- World History