More Questions on History
- Q. In July 1933 the Congress decided to launch:
B)An Individual Civil Disobedience
C)Bharat Chhoro Aandolan
D)None of these
Answer: An Individual Civil Disobedience
- Q. Name the Muslim Invader who destroyed Nalanda University?
A)Muhammad Bin Tuglaq
B)Allaudin Khalji
C)Muhammad Bin Bakhtiyar
D)Muhammad Bin Qasim
Answer: Muhammad Bin Bakhtiyar
- Q. The writers of the East India Company had their training in the college at __________ in England
Answer: Haileybury
- Q. Which among the following names is not associated with the theosophical society?
A)Madame Blavatsky
B)Col. Occolt
C)Annie Besant
D)Bal Gangadhar Tilak
Answer: Bal Gangadhar Tilak
- Q. The first Bengali Drama, written to highlight the brutality of the British indigo planters, was
A)Neel Darpan
B)Rast Goftar
C)Shome Prakash
D)None of the above
Answer: Neel Darpan
- Q. Which of the following is not matched correctly?
A)Vardhamana Mahavira's mother- Trisala
B)Vardhamana Mahavira's father-Siddhartha
C)Vardhamana Mahavira's wife-Yashoda
D)Vardhamana Mahavira's daughter-Cheiiana
Answer: Vardhamana Mahavira's daughter-Cheiiana
- Q. Which of the following objects was not worshipped by the Indus valley people
A)Pashupati Shiva
B)Mother Goddess
C)Trees such as Peepal and Acacia
Answer: Trimurti
- Q. The English who twice served as President of the Indian National Congress was
A)Sir William Wedderburn
B)George Yule
C)AO Hume
D)Mrs Annie Besant
Answer: Sir William Wedderburn
- Q. Tax on plunder during war in the Sultanate period was known as
Answer: Khums
- Q. Krishnadevaraya maintained friendly relations with the
Answer: Protuguese
- Q. Which of the following British official intiated the Doctrine of Lapse?
A)Lord Auckland
B)Lord Wellesley
C)Lord Dalhousie
D)Warren Hastings
Answer: Lord Dalhousie
- Q. Which of the following statement is not correct about Simon Commission?
A)The British Government appointed the Simon commission in Nov., 1927
B)The activities of Swaraj party had induced the British Government to review the working of the diarchy system introduced by the Montague- Chelmsford reforms
C)Simon commission was opposed because its all members were the English
D)Lala Lajpat Rai died during the protest of Simon commission
Answer: Lala Lajpat Rai died during the protest of Simon commission
- Q. The Mauryan administration was highly
Answer: Centralized
- Q. Which ruler founded the famous Vikramshila University for the Buddhists?
Answer: Dharampala
- Q. Who among the following Bhakti Saint emphasised the essential oneness of all religion by describing Hindus and Muslims ‘as pots of the same clay’?
Answer: Kabir
- Q. Which statement (s) is/are correct related to the Kabir. I. He was the disciple of Ramananda and the most liberal among medieval Indian reformers. II. He was possibly a contemporary of Sultan Muhammad Bin Tughlaq (1489-1517)
A)II only
B)I only
C)Both I and II
D)Neither I nor II
Answer: I only
- Q. The system of Dual Government during the latter half of the 18th century AD is associated with the name of
C)Waren Hastings
D)William Bentinck
Answer: Clive
- Q. Who introduced the Subsidiary Alliance System in India?
A)Lord Ripan
B)Lord Dalhousie
C)Lord Wellesley
D)None of these
Answer: Lord Wellesley
- Q. Who constructed the Khajuraho temples?
C)Bundela Rajput
D)Chandel Rajput
Answer: Chandel Rajput
- Q. The Non-Cooperation Movement was suspended in February 1922 on account of
A)Hindu Muslim riots
B)the Chauri Chaura incident
C)arrest of Mahatma Gandhi and his imprisonment for six years
D)all the above
Answer: the Chauri Chaura incident
- Indian History
- Ancient History
- Indus Valley Civilisation
- Jainism And Buddhism
- Mauryan Empire
- Magadha Empire
- Harshavardhana Empire
- Vedic Age
- Medieval History
- Bhakti Movement
- Gulam Dynasty
- Khalji Dynasty
- Lodi and Sayyid Dynasty
- Tughlaq Dynasty
- Maratha Empire
- Sikh Empire
- Mughal Empire
- 18th Century Revolts And Reform
- British Rule
- Modern Indian
- Independence
- World History