Q. The Harappan town considered to be a town of the artists and craftsmen was

Correct Answer


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    B)Only I
    C)Both I & II
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    B)Bahadur Shah-I
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    B)Chattambi Swamikal
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  • Q. In which session of the Indian National congress did the historic union of congress and Muslim League take place?
    A)Lahore session in 1940
    B)Tripuri Session in 1939
    C)Meerut Session in 1946
    D)Lucknow session in 1916
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    B)Muhammad Ali
    C)Abbas I
    D)Sa'id Pasha
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    B)entire Imperial establishment
    C)religious land grants
    D)land from where revenue was collected for the Imperial Treasury
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    A)Bengal and Bihar
    B)Uttar Pradesh and Madhya Pradesh
    D)Madras and Calcutta
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    A)December 1922.
    B)September 1920.
    C)October 1924.
    D)November 1925.
    Answer: September 1920.

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