Q. ________ is a natural electrical phenomenon characterized by the appearance of streams of reddish or greenish light in the sky, especially near the northern or southern magnetic pole


Correct Answer : Aurora

Q. ________ is the time taken by the Earth to return to a given point in its orbit with reference to a fixed star.


Correct Answer : Sidereal year

Q. “Mohs’ Scale” is used to indicate the ________


Correct Answer : Degree of hardness of minerals.

Q. 1° of latitude is equal to


Correct Answer : 111 Km

Q. A one-day Cricket match between India and England starts at 10.00 A.M. in London. The direct telecast of the match will begin in India at ________


Correct Answer : 3.30 P.M.

Q. A person sets off from Alaska on a Tuesday and reaches New Zealand the next day which will be ________


Correct Answer : Thursday

Q. A radio broadcast from Delhi on Monday at 7.30 p.m. is heard at New York on ________


Correct Answer : The same day at 10:00AM

Q. After Sun, which is the closest star to the Earth?


Correct Answer : Proxima centauri

Q. Albedo is defined as ________


Correct Answer : The amount of insolation reflected back to the space by the top of atmosphere, by clouds and ice-covered areas of the Earth's surface

Q. All the watches of a country are set according to ________


Correct Answer : Standard time of the country