Q. ________ is the time taken by the Earth to return to a given point in its orbit with reference to a fixed star.

Correct Answer

Sidereal year

More Questions on Earth

  • Q. The imaginary lines joining places of same height at equal intervals are
    Answer: Contours
  • Q. 1° of latitude is equal to
    A)111 Km
    B)11 Km
    C)211 Km
    D)311 Km
    Answer: 111 Km
  • Q. The core of the Earth is made up of ________
    A)Both iron and silica in the liquid form
    B)Mainly of iron in the liquid form
    C)Mainly of nickel in the liquid form
    D)Both iron and magnesium in the plastic state
    Answer: Both iron and magnesium in the plastic state
  • Q. Which of the following pairs is wrong?
    A)IsohaleSun - light
    B)Isohyet - Humidity
    C)Isobar - Pressure
    D)Isotherm - Temperature
    Answer: Isohyet - Humidity
  • Q. When it is nine o’clock in London, it will be the same time in ________
    Answer: Ghana
  • Q. If news is broadcast from London at 10:30 AM, at what time it will be heard at Baghdad (45°E)?
    A)1:30 PM
    B)7:30 AM
    C)9:00 AM
    D)12:00 Noon
    Answer: 1:30 PM
  • Q. A radio broadcast from Delhi on Monday at 7.30 p.m. is heard at New York on ________
    A)The same day at 7:30 AM
    B)Tuesday at 8.35 PM
    C)The same day at 7.30 PM
    D)The same day at 10:00AM
    Answer: The same day at 10:00AM
  • Q. Latitude of place is indicative of its ________
    A)Amount of rainfall
    Answer: Temperature
  • Q. The region which is resistant to the transformation of macro structure, is called?
    A)Tectonic plate
    B)Firm structure
    C)Ancient structure
    Answer: Shield
  • Q. Which of the following statement is correct?
    A)Relative humidity is denoted in gram per cubic meter of air.
    B)Air capacity of vaporization reduces with the rise in the temperature of air.
    C)Atmospheric pressure reduces due to rise in temperature.
    D)Temperature decreases 10°C at every 165 height
    Answer: Atmospheric pressure reduces due to rise in temperature.
  • Q. What is the circumference of the Earth?
    A)25,000 km
    B)13,000 km
    C)20,000 km
    D)40,000 km
    Answer: 40,000 km
  • Q. The revelations of a satellite photograph of the earth are as follows: 1. the Southern hemisphere bulges slightly more than the Northern hemisphere 2. it is slightly pear shaped ellipsoid of rotation 3. the polar axis of the earth is slightly shorter than the equatorial axis 4. the equatorial circumference is about 40,000km Which of the above statements are correct ?
    A)1, 2 and 4
    B)1, 2 and 3
    C)1, 2, 3 and 4
    D)2, 3 and 4
    Answer: 2, 3 and 4
  • Q. What percentage of insolation is received by the earth’s surface?
    Answer: 0.47
  • Q. Tides are caused by the gravitational pull of the
    A)Sun and Moon on the Earth
    B)Earth on the Moon
    C)Earth on the Sun
    D)Moon on the Earth
    Answer: Sun and Moon on the Earth
  • Q. Masses of stars and galaxies are usually expressed in ________.
    A)Lunar mass
    B)Earth's mass
    C)Solar mass
    D)Neutron mass
    Answer: Solar mass
  • Q. Geostationary orbit is at a height of ________
    A)3600 km
    B)6 km
    C)1000 km
    D)36,000 km
    Answer: 36,000 km
  • Q. “Mohs’ Scale” is used to indicate the ________
    A)Degree of viscosity of a liquid
    B)Degree of brittleness of a substance
    C)Degree of hardness of minerals.
    D)Degree of elasticity of a material
    Answer: Degree of hardness of minerals.
  • Q. When the clock strikes 12:00 noon at Greenwich, it strikes 5:30 p.m. at place X on the same day. What is the meridian of longitude of place X ?
    A)82°30' E
    B)97°30' E
    C)97°30' W
    D)82°30' W
    Answer: 82°30' E
  • Q. On which date is India likely to experience the shortest day?
    A)3rd January
    B)22nd December
    C)21st June
    D)23rd March
    Answer: 22nd December
  • Q. The word “Isoneph” represents the lines of equal
    Answer: Cloudiness

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