Q. Who was the second Chief Election Commissioner of India-

Correct Answer


More Questions on Indian Politics

  • Q. In which year did the first amendment of Indian Constitution take place?
    Answer: 1951
  • Q. A person to be eligible for election as president of India should have completed
    A)21 years
    B)25 years
    C)30 years
    D)35 years
    Answer: 35 years
  • Q. Who will be elected as the Deputy Chairman of Rajya Sabha-
    A)Any member who is working as a member of Rajya Sabha
    B)Any person who is eligible for member of Rajya Sabha
    C)Any member of the Parliament
    D)A person nominated to Rajya Sabha by the President
    Answer: Any member who is working as a member of Rajya Sabha
  • Q. Indian constitution not only imagines the democratic form of government but also imagines a democratic society, because its ideology consists of- 1. Justice, 2. Liberty, 3. Equality, 4. Fraternity
    A)2 and 3
    B)1 and 2
    C)1 and 3
    D)1,2,3 and 4
    Answer: 1,2,3 and 4
  • Q. Article-231 of the Indian Constitution “Establishment of a common High Court for two or more States” deals with?
    A)The Directive Principles of State Policy
    B)The State Government
    C)The Union Government
    D)The fundamental rghts of the Indian Citizen
    Answer: The State Government
  • Q. Which of the following High Court declared 1st that “Shutdown” is Unconstitutional-
    A)Madhya Pradesh
    B)Andhra Pradesh
    Answer: Kerala
  • Q. Which article of the Indian Constitution provides for the institution of Panchayati Raj?
    Answer: Article-40
  • Q. Who has the power to decide on an election petition for any state-
    A)Suprime Court
    C)High Court
    D)Election Commission
    Answer: High Court
  • Q. When was the first Central Legislative Assembly constituted-
    Answer: 1921
  • Q. Which one of the followingis an item included in the list of Fundamental Duties of an Indian citizen in the Constitution?
    A)To develop scientific temper humanism and the spirit of enquiry and reform
    B)To practice secularism
    C)To pay all taxes to government regularly and correctly
    D)Not to assault any public servant during performance of his duties
    Answer: To develop scientific temper humanism and the spirit of enquiry and reform
  • Q. Which part of the Constitution of India deals with special provisions to SCs, STs, OBCs and Anglo-Indians ?
    A)Part 6 (Article 152 to 237).
    B)Part 16 (Article 330 to 342).
    C)Part 18 (Article 352 to 360).
    D)Part 14A (Article 323A to 323B).
    Answer: Part 16 (Article 330 to 342).
  • Q. The president can dissolve the Lok Sabha on
    A)advice of the chief justice of India
    B)advice of the prime minister
    C)recommendation of Lok Sabha
    D)recommendation of the Rajya Sabha
    Answer: advice of the prime minister
  • Q. Who approves a bill as money bill in Lok Sabha-
    A)Finance Minister
    C)Prime Minister
    Answer: Speaker
  • Q. Which of the following ensures grassroot democracy in India-
    A)Interstate council
    B)Panchayati raj
    Answer: Panchayati raj
  • Q. The success of Democracy depends on-
    A)Right to unity
    B)The right to oppose
    C)Right to individual liberty
    D)Right to property
    Answer: The right to oppose
  • Q. Which of the following had signed with President Ayub Khan on Tashkent agreement-
    A)Dr. Rajendra Prasad
    B)Pt. Jawaharlal Nehru
    C)Lal Bahadur Shashtri
    D)Indira Gandhi
    Answer: Lal Bahadur Shashtri
  • Q. Article-21 of the Indian Constitution “Protection of life and personal liberty” deals with?
    A)The fundamental rights of the Indian Citizen
    B)The Union Government
    C)The State Government
    D)The Directive Principles of State Policy
    Answer: The fundamental rights of the Indian Citizen
  • Q. Who constitutes the Finance Commission-
    A)Prime Minister
    B)Finance Minister
    C)Speaker of Lok Sabha
    Answer: President
  • Q. The members of the state legislature exercise control over the council of the ministers through
    A)criticism of its policies
    B)questions and supplementary questions
    C)adjournment motion
    D)All of the above
    Answer: All of the above
  • Q. What is the age limit to contest for the post of the president of India?
    A)30 years
    B)25 years
    C)35 years
    D)18 years
    Answer: 35 years

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