Q. Who is the chairman of planning commission?

Correct Answer

Prime Minister

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    Answer: 34
  • Q. The Council of Ministers does not include-
    A)State Minister
    B)Cabinet Minister
    C)Cabinet Secretary
    D)Minister without ministry
    Answer: Cabinet Secretary
  • Q. The discretionary powers of a Governor is limited in-
    A)Dismissal of the Ministry
    B)Appointment of Chief Minister
    C)Dissolution of the Legislative Assembly
    D)Assent to Bills
    Answer: Assent to Bills
  • Q. The Chairman of the Drafting Committee of the constituent Assembly of India was-
    A)D.P. Khaitan
    C)Dr. B.R. Arnbedkar
    D)T.T. Krishanmachari
    Answer: Dr. B.R. Arnbedkar
  • Q. The Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act was passed in :
    A)The year 1970
    B)The year 1968
    C)The year 1969
    D)The year 1967
    Answer: The year 1967
  • Q. The write which literally means ‘by what authority or warrant’ and is issued by the court to enquire the legality of a claim of a person to public office is called
    A)Quo Warranto
    B)Ad hoc
    D)Sub judice
    Answer: Quo Warranto
  • Q. Bureaucarcy performs-
    A)Only Judicial Acts
    B)Only Administrative Acts
    C)Only Legislative Acts
    D)Administrative, Quasi-Judicial and Quasi-Legislative Acts
    Answer: Administrative, Quasi-Judicial and Quasi-Legislative Acts
  • Q. The power to grant pardon or suspend or remit the sentence of any convicted person is vested in the-
    A)Vice President
    C)Supreme Court Judge
    D)Defence Minister
    Answer: President
  • Q. Who among the following is the executive head of state in India?
    B)Prime Minister
    C)Cabinet Secretary
    D)Finance Secretary
    Answer: President
  • Q. The number of parliamentary seats (Lok Sabha) of Andhra Pradesh is –
    Answer: 25
  • Q. Under which article, President of India can proclaim constitutional emergency?
    A)Article 349
    B)Article 32
    C)Article 356
    D)Article 360
    Answer: Article 356
  • Q. The number of parliamentary seats (Lok Sabha) of Maharashtra is-
    Answer: 48
  • Q. M’ in BIMARU stands for which state?
    C)Madhya Pradesh
    Answer: Madhya Pradesh
  • Q. The Union Executive consists of
    A)The Prime Minister
    B)The President, and the Council of Ministers
    C)Attorney General of India
    D)All of above
    Answer: All of above
  • Q. Indian National Congress is a part of which political group?
    A)National Democratic Alliance
    B)United Progressive Alliance
    C)Janata Parivar
    D)Rashtra Parivar
    Answer: United Progressive Alliance
  • Q. When any House of Parliament (Lok Sabha or Rajya Sabha ) is adjourned without naming a day for reassembly it is known as :
    A)Adjournment of Debate
    B)Demand for Grants
    C)Adjournment of the sitting of the House
    D)Adjournment Sine die
    Answer: Adjournment Sine die
  • Q. The Judge of the High Court hold office-
    A)Till they have attained 62 years of age
    B)During the pleasure of the Chief Justice of India
    C)Till they have attained 65 years of age
    D)As long as they desire
    Answer: Till they have attained 62 years of age
  • Q. The Jammu and Kashmir State Legislative Assembly has a tenure –
    A)Five years
    B)Six years
    C)Four years
    D)Seven years
    Answer: Five years
  • Q. Who was the constitutional advisor to the constituent assembly at the time of the drafting of the constitution?
    A)Dr.B.R Ambedkar
    B)Jawaharlal Nehru
    C)B.N. Rau
    D)Rajendra Prasad
    Answer: B.N. Rau

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