Q. While protecting the material train, banner flag is placed at a distance of
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More Questions on Indian Railway
Q. Consider the following statements: 1. Anti – collision device (ACD) Network is patented by Konkan Railway Corporation Ltd. 2. Anti – collision device (ACD) uses Global Positioning System for its work Which among the above statements is / are correct?
A)Both are true B)Only 1 is true C)Only 2 is true D)Neither is true
Answer: Both are true
Q. A vehicle which can be bodily lifted off the line by ________ is a trolley
A)3 man B)02 man C)04 man D)None of these
Answer: 04 man
Q. In automatic area, when all signals and communications have failed, the driver is issued ________ as authority to proceed.
A)T/A-912 B)T/B-912 C)T/C-912 D)None of these
Answer: T/B-912
Q. During shunting of a passenger train the train engine will be stopped ________ mtrs before attaching to load?
A)10 meters B)20 meters C)15 meters D)5 meters
Answer: 20 meters
Q. In which year the practice of presenting the railway budget separate from the general budget (or vice versa in true sense) started in India?
A)1925 B)1920 C)1924 D)1930
Answer: 1924
Q. Maximum impact speed when shunting a single roller bearing fitted stock must be?
A)5 kmph B)3 kmph C)4 kmph D)6 kmph
Answer: 5 kmph
Q. What is maximum width of coaching stock in BG?
A)3250 mm B)3050 mm C)3200 mm D)3300 mm
Answer: 3250 mm
Q. After how many time train shall be protected by Guard in rear if 1st stop signal found in On position?
A)15 minutes B)10 minutes C)5 minutes D)No need
Answer: 15 minutes
Q. On which place the Guard should be presented at the time of train backed from one running line to another line?
A)In Break van B)At Facing point C)On Engine D)At Anyplace
Answer: In Break van
Q. Which road suburban railway station in Mumbai has been rechristened as Prabhadevi station?
A)Churchgate B)Boisar C)Andheri D)Elphinstone
Answer: Elphinstone
Q. When the engine is pushing a material train and BV is not leading, the speed shall not exceed.
A)25 kmph B)10 kmph C)15 kmph D)30 kmph
Answer: 10 kmph
Q. If the motorman of EMU passes the automatic stop signal at ON, he shall proceed at a speed of 15/8 km/h and stop the train before ________ meters of the obstruction on the track.
A)80 B)70 C)75 D)85
Answer: 75
Q. Maximum speed of trains during thick & foggy weather in automatic block system is ________ kmph when signal is showing double yellow.
A)25 B)30 C)20 D)50
Answer: 30
Q. After Uttar Pradesh, which among the following states has the maximum share in the total Route Kilometers of Indian Railways?
Q. Kandaghat, a heritage railway station made entirely of wood and built by the British in 1903 was destroyed in the fire. In which state this Railway Station was located ?
Q. If the advanced starter and IBS are defective, SM shall issue T/369(3b) authority with private number of ________ station to pass both advanced starter and IBS.
A)Both B)Back C)Next D)None of these
Answer: Next
Q. In automatic section, temporary single line working on double line section what authority to proceed will be served to loco pilot from opposite direction?
A)TD-912 B)TA-912 C)TB-912 D)TC-1425
Answer: TA-912
Q. What is the position of the Indian Railway under the zonal system?
A)Third B)First C)Second D)Forth
Answer: Second
Q. When a driver finds automatic stop signal at on he must stop for 01 minute during day and 02 minutes during night and proceed at ________ kmph
A)25 B)15 C)20 D)None of these
Answer: 15
Q. when form T/D 912 is issued the driver shall not exceed the speed