More Questions on Indian Railway
- Q. In context with the Indian railways what is TPWS?
A)Train Protection Warning Stopper
B)Train Passenger Warning System
C)Train Protection Warning System
D)Transmission Protection warning Stopper
Answer: Train Protection Warning System
- Q. What will be distance between fire affected train and rest of the train ?
A)50 meters
B)25 meters
C)45 meters
D)100 meters
Answer: 45 meters
- Q. Booked speed of a train is ________ percent less than maximum permissible speed
Answer: 10
- Q. Which of the following is / are eligible to receive Ways and Means Advances from RBI to handle their temporary mismatch in the cash flow? 1)State Governments 2)Central Government 3)Public Sector Companies 4)Indian Railways Select the correct option from the codes given below:
A)Only 1 & 3
B)Only 1
C)Only 1 & 2
D)Only 1, 3 & 4
Answer: Only 1
- Q. In Automatic Block system , in BG when there is obstruction in the adjacent line, driver to protect the adjacent line first by placing one detonator at not less than ________ , metres.
D)None of these
Answer: 600
- Q. When a train is working on T/D912 in automatic block in system, the train must be piloted into the station during reception by
Answer: T/409
- Q. Target time for ARME from double exit siding is?
A)45 minutes
B)20 minutes
C)30 minutes
D)60 minutes
Answer: 20 minutes
- Q. By whom the rear portion of train left behind in block section protected?
A)By engineearing official
B)By Guard
D)No need to protect the load
Answer: By Guard
- Q. Which type Authority to proceed shall be used at without starter signal station on single line?
A)Any one
B)Non Tangible
D)None of these
Answer: Tangible
- Q. In the panel working for cancellation of route the number in the counter changes and white indication appears after
A)50 seconds
B)120 seconds
C)90 seconds
D)None of these
Answer: 120 seconds
- Q. With reference to headquarters of the various Railway zones, consider the following matches: North Eastern → Guwahati Central → Bhopal Western → Mumbai Which of the above is / are correct matches:
A)Only 2 & 3
B)Only 1
C)Only 1 & 2
D)Only 3
Answer: Only 3
- Q. The following bell signal is prescribed between driver and guard to indicates ‘passing’ automatic signal at ON.
D)None of these
Answer: Two
- Q. In which institution the training of electric work is being given?
A)Railway Staff College
B)Indian Railways Institute of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering
C)Indian Railways Institute of Electrical Engineering
D)Indian Railways Institute of Civil Engineering
Answer: Indian Railways Institute of Electrical Engineering
- Q. During thick or foggy weather or night if ________ is not provided, trains are not permitted to draw ahead upto advanced starter.
B)Track Circuit
D)None of these
Answer: Track Circuit
- Q. Maximum height above rail level for a low passenger platform in BG is
A)840 mm
B)455 mm
C)760 mm
D)None of these
Answer: 455 mm
- Q. The headquarters of Northern Railway is at
B)New Delhi
D)Mumbai (CST)
Answer: New Delhi
- Q. Signal overlap at a terminal station with multi aspect colour light signalling is ________.
Answer: NIL
- Q. During total failure of communication on a single line system, asking line clear of 4 trains at a time what will be the speed of next train?
A)25/10 kmph
B)15/8 kmph
C)25/8 kmph
D)25/12 kmph
Answer: 25/8 kmph
- Q. Which authority shall be received to perform shunting beyond LSS at station of double line equipped with
A)T/A 602
C)T/A 802
D)T-806 A
Answer: T-806
- Q. Normal condition of automatic stop signal is ________.
D)None of these
Answer: Green
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