Q. Which of the following term is not used in the preamble of the constitution-

Correct Answer


More Questions on Indian Politics

  • Q. Cultural and Educational Rights are enshrines in:
    A)Article 29-30
    B)Article 15
    C)Article 18
    D)Article 14
    Answer: Article 29-30
  • Q. Which of the following is not an eligibility of the judge of Supreme Court in India?
    A)Age should be 35 years
    B)Citizen of India
    C)Should have practiced at least 10 years in any High court
    D)Should be a jurist
    Answer: Age should be 35 years
  • Q. Which Article of the Constitution provides freedom to manage religious affairs ?
    A)Article 26.
    B)Article 25.
    C)Article 27.
    D)Article 28.
    Answer: Article 26.
  • Q. At the time of enactment of the Constitution, which one of the following ideals was not included in the preamble?
    Answer: Socialist
  • Q. How many seats are reserved for representatives of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes in Lok Sabha?
    Answer: 131
  • Q. What is a voluntary uion of sovereign and independent states called?
    A)Unitary state
    D)None of these
    Answer: Confederation
  • Q. The “Recall Provision” to removethe elected office bearers from the Local Self Government institution has been executed in-
    D)Madhya Pradesh
    Answer: Madhya Pradesh
  • Q. In which of the following cases the Supreme Court held that fundamental rights are unamendable?
    A)Keshavananda Bharti's case
    B)A.K.Gopalan's case
    C)M.C. Mehta's case
    D)Golak Nath's case
    Answer: Golak Nath's case
  • Q. The phrase ‘procedure established by the law’ means
    A)judges in India can question the fairness or validity of an undue law even if it is within the limits of the constitution
    B)the judges in India cannot question the fairness or validity of a law, provided it is within the limits of the constitution
    C)judges in India can declare a law invalid simply because in their opinion the law is not due or is unjust
    D)None of the above
    Answer: the judges in India cannot question the fairness or validity of a law, provided it is within the limits of the constitution
  • Q. The 3-tier of the Panchayati Raj System consists of-
    A)Janapad Panchayat, Taluka Panchayat, Anchal Panchayat
    B)Gram Sabha, Anchal Panchayat, Panchayat Samiti
    C)Gram Panchayat,Block and Panchayat Samiti, Zilla Parishad
    D)Gram Sabha, Panchayat Samiti, Zilla Parishad
    Answer: Gram Panchayat,Block and Panchayat Samiti, Zilla Parishad
  • Q. The Comptroller and Auditor General of India can be removed from office in like manner and on like grounds as :
    A)Prime Minister
    B)High Court Judge
    C)Supreme Court Judge
    D)None of Above
    Answer: Supreme Court Judge
  • Q. The Phrase “equality before law” used in article-14 of Indian constitution has been borrowed from-
    Answer: Britain
  • Q. How many members of Anglo-Indian community can be nominated for the Parliament by the President-
    D)Depends on President's will
    Answer: 2
  • Q. Which of the following ensures economic justice to Indian citizens?
    A)Fundamental duties
    B)Fundamental rights
    D)Directive principles of state policy
    Answer: Directive principles of state policy
  • Q. Which Constitutional Amendment Act deals with the disqualification of MPs and MLAs?
    A)52nd Amendment Act
    B)42nd Amendment act
    C)62nd Amendment Act
    D)32nd Amendment Act
    Answer: 52nd Amendment Act
  • Q. The concept of Procedure established by Law as incorporated in the constitution of India is borrowed from :
    A)American constitution
    B)Irish constitution
    C)English constitution
    D)Japanese constitution.
    Answer: Japanese constitution.
  • Q. The oath of office is administered to the members of state council of ministers by
    A)the chief minister
    B)the governor
    C)chief justice of the state high court
    D)speaker of legislative assembly
    Answer: the governor
  • Q. Which of the following schedules contains special provisions for the administration of tribal areas in the four north-eastern states of Assam, Meghalaya, Tripura and Mizoram-
    A)Second schedule
    B)First schedule
    C)Third schedule
    D)Sixth schedule
    Answer: Sixth schedule
  • Q. What is the full form of the Indian Political Party, “CPI”?
    A)Commonly Party of India
    B)Common Party of India
    C)Communist Party of India
    D)Community Party of India
    Answer: Communist Party of India
  • Q. Who among the following gave the concept of ‘Distributive Justice’?
    Answer: Aristotle

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