Q. Which of the following items would not appear in a company’s balance sheet?

Correct Answer

Revenue from sales of the company's products

More Questions on Indian Economy

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    B)South Korea
    Answer: Japan
  • Q. Paper currency first started in India in
    Answer: 1861
  • Q. The national food for work programme was launched in:
    A)April 2003
    B)May 2002
    C)November 2004
    D)April 2000
    Answer: November 2004
  • Q. If all the banks in an economy are nationalized and converted into a monopoly bank, the total deposits
    A)will increase
    B)will decrease
    C)will neither increase nor decrease
    D)None of the above
    Answer: will neither increase nor decrease
  • Q. Regional rural banks I=have limited area of operation II=have free access to liberal refinance facilities from NABARD III=are required to lend only to weaker sections
    A)II, III
    B)I, III
    C)I, II, III
    D)I, II
    Answer: I, II
  • Q. Monopolies and restrictive Trade practices (MRTP) act was passed in:
    Answer: 1969
  • Q. Which of the following is the most appropriate cause of export surplus?
    A)Country's stringent import policy
    B)Developments in national and international markets
    C)Country's exports promotion value
    D)None of the above
    Answer: Developments in national and international markets
  • Q. National Income estimates in India is prepared by:
    A)Reserve Bank Of India
    B)Central Statistical Organisation (CSO)
    C)Planning Commission
    D)Indian Statistical Institute
    Answer: Central Statistical Organisation (CSO)
  • Q. The first national commission on labours was constituted on:
    A)December 24, 1967
    B)December 24, 1966.
    C)November 24, 1966
    D)November 24, 1967
    Answer: December 24, 1966.
  • Q. If the cash reserve ratio is lowered by the RBI, its impact on credit creation will be to
    A)decrease it
    B)no impact
    C)increase it
    D)None of the above
    Answer: increase it
  • Q. Devaluation of a currency means
    A)reduction in external value/exchange value of currency by the government
    B)reduction in currency value due to wear and tear
    C)fall in exchange value of a country by market forces
    D)all of the above
    Answer: reduction in external value/exchange value of currency by the government
  • Q. Our financial system has provided for the transfer of resources from the centre to the states; the important means of resource transfers are
    C)tax sharing
    D)All the above
    Answer: All the above
  • Q. The first fully Indian Bank is:
    A)Central Bank of India
    B)Punjab National Bank
    C)Canara Bank
    D)State Bank of India
    Answer: Punjab National Bank
  • Q. Development expenditure of the Central government does not include
    A)expenditure on economic services
    B)expenditure on social and community services
    C)defence expenditure
    D)grant to states
    Answer: defence expenditure
  • Q. Inflation is measured in India on the basis of which ‘Index’?
    A)Consumer Price Index for urban workers
    B)Consumer Price Index for agricultural workers
    C)Wholesale Price Index
    D)National income deflation
    Answer: Wholesale Price Index
  • Q. National Electricity Policy envisages elimination of power shortage by 2012 through addition of:
    A)75000 Megawatt
    B)100000 Megawatt.
    C)50000 Megawatt
    D)125000 Megawatt
    Answer: 100000 Megawatt.
  • Q. Redistribution polices geared to reduce economic inequalities include
    A)land reforms
    B)rural development policies
    C)progressive tax policies
    D)All the above
    Answer: All the above
  • Q. Debenture holders of a company are its
    Answer: creditors
  • Q. If an economy is equilibrium at the point where plans to save and to invest are equal, then government expenditure must be
    A)equal to government income
    C)larger than government income
    Answer: equal to government income
  • Q. When personal direct taxes are subtracted from personal income the obtained value is called:
    A)National Income
    B)Gross National Product (GNP)
    C)Gross Domestic Product (GDP)
    D)Personal Income
    Answer: Gross National Product (GNP)

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