Q. Which amendment act raised the age of retirement for judges of High Court to 62 from 60?

Correct Answer


More Questions on Indian Politics

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    A)Higher Authority
    B)Delegated Authority
    C)Independent Authority
    D)Equivalent Authority
    Answer: Delegated Authority
  • Q. Which of the following subject is in state list-
    A)Criminal law
    Answer: Agriculture
  • Q. How many member of Anglo-Indian Community can be nominated by Governor in State Assembly-
    Answer: 1
  • Q. Bicameral Legislature means-
    A)Lower and Upper Chamber
    B)Primary and secondary legislature
    C)Lok Adalats and Courts
    D)Elected as well as selected members
    Answer: Lower and Upper Chamber
  • Q. In which State does the Governor nominate woman to the Assembly?
    B)Jammu & Kashmir
    Answer: Jammu & Kashmir
  • Q. Article 19 of the Indian Constitution provides-
    A)7 freedoms
    B)6 freedoms
    C)8 freedoms
    D)9 freedoms
    Answer: 6 freedoms
  • Q. _____ elects the President and the Vice President and removes judges of Supreme Court and High Court.
    A)Prime Minister'S Office
    B)Ministry of Defence
    C)Lok Sabha
    D)Securities and Exchange Board of India
    Answer: Prime Minister'S Office
  • Q. No person can be employed in factories or mines unless he is above the age of –
    A)14 years
    B)12 years
    C)18 years
    D)20 years
    Answer: 14 years
  • Q. _____ means that the Presjdent of India can refer any matter that is of public importance or that which involves interpretation of Constitution to Supreme Court for advice.
    A)Writ Jurisdiction
    B)Original Jurisdiction
    C)Appellate Jurisdiction
    D)Advisory Jurisdiction
    Answer: Advisory Jurisdiction
  • Q. Which of the following body was not set up by constitutional provisions-
    A)Planning Commission
    B)Finance Commission
    C)Union Public Service Commission
    D)Election Commission
    Answer: Planning Commission
  • Q. The number of parliamentary seats (Rajya Sabha) of West Bengal is-
    Answer: 16
  • Q. A proceeding under Article-226 in case of detention of a person is a-
    A)Criminal proceeding
    B)Civil proceeding
    C)Judicial proceeding
    D)Statutory proceeding
    Answer: Criminal proceeding
  • Q. The oath of office is administered to the members of state council of ministers by
    A)the chief minister
    B)the governor
    C)chief justice of the state high court
    D)speaker of legislative assembly
    Answer: the governor
  • Q. What is the full form of the Indian Political Party “CPIM”?
    A)Common Party of India (Movement)
    B)Common Party of India (Marxist)
    C)Communist Party of India (Movement)
    D)Communist Party of India (Marxist)
    Answer: Communist Party of India (Marxist)
  • Q. How many writs can be issued by supreme court?
    Answer: 5
  • Q. The five permanent members of United Nations Security Council are-
    A)China, Germany, USA, UK, Canada
    B)China, Germany, Russia, UK, USA
    C)China, France, Russia, UK, USA
    D)China, Canada, France, USA, Germany
    Answer: China, France, Russia, UK, USA
  • Q. Article-31(C) of the Indian Constitution “Saving of laws giving effect to certain directive principles” deals with?
    A)The State Government
    B)The fundamental rights of the Indian Citizen
    C)The Union Government
    D)The directive principles of state policy
    Answer: The fundamental rights of the Indian Citizen
  • Q. The president can be removed from his office before the expiry of his normal term only on the recommendation of
    A)the chief justice of India
    B)the Supreme Court
    C)council of ministers
    D)the two Houses of Parliament
    Answer: the two Houses of Parliament
  • Q. In India, how many times has the President declared financial emergency-
    A)Two times
    C)Three times
    Answer: Never
  • Q. The Chief Minister is appointed by-
    C)Chief Justice of Supreme Court
    D)Chief Justice of High Court
    Answer: Governor

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