More Questions on Indian Railway
- Q. The banner flag is a ________
A)Both of these
B)Temporary stop signal
C)Permanent stop signal
D)None of these
Answer: Temporary stop signal
- Q. To apply for Line block, the notice shall be given to DRM not less than
A)12 hours
B)48 hours
C)24 hours
D)None of these
Answer: 24 hours
- Q. Loco Pilot shall sound _________ whistle to acknowledge the Guard hand signal.
A)Three Long
B)One Long
C)Two Long
D)None of these
Answer: One Long
- Q. What will be the speed of second train running on T/C 602?
A)25 kmph
B)10 kmph
C)15 kmph
D)Normal speed
Answer: Normal speed
- Q. Slip siding protects
A)Station section
B)Station limit
C)Block section
D)None of these
Answer: Block section
- Q. ________ and ‘C’ class ODC shall not be crossed in the block section on double line.
Answer: 40
- Q. How many hooters shall be used for ART at the time of accident of a goods train outside the HQ.
Answer: 3
- Q. When was the Jammu City appeared on the map of Indian Railway?
Answer: 1965
- Q. In two aspects areas where shunting in the face of approaching train is not permitted, shunting can be permitted during ________ and under certain conditions (UP to FSS).
D)None of these
Answer: Day
- Q. Visibility test object is placed at a distance of ________ meters from the station building.
Answer: 180
- Q. If the driver does not receive all right signal from the guard, he must call by giving.
A)On long
B)Two sharp whistles
C)One long one short
D)None of these
Answer: Two sharp whistles
- Q. What is the speed of second train on double line section running on T/A602?
A)10 kmph
B)20 kmph
C)15 kmph
D)8 kmph
Answer: 8 kmph
- Q. Speed of train shall not be more than ________ km/h in case of whistle failure in block section.
Answer: 25
- Q. How much distance was travelled by first train of India?
A)34 km
B)33 km
C)36 km
D)46 km
Answer: 34 km
- Q. When a trolley is working on T/1518 during thick or foggy weather, the speed is
A)10 kmph
B)5 kmph
C)8 kmph
D)None of these
Answer: 5 kmph
- Q. Mixed and Goods trains worked with vacuum throughout, the following number of vehicles can be attached in rear of BV.
A)Not more than two bogies or their equivalent
B)Two Bogies
C)04 four wheelers only
D)None of these
Answer: Not more than two bogies or their equivalent
- Q. If the driver does not received all right signal from the guard, he must call for is by giving.
A)On long
B)Two sharp whistles
C)One long one short.
D)None of these
Answer: Two sharp whistles
- Q. India’s first rail auto hub will be located in:
D)New Delhi
Answer: Chennai
- Q. While stabling box load, hand brakes of ________ wagons at both ends shall be pinned down.
A)7 - 7
B)8 - 8
C)6 - 6
D)8 - 8
Answer: 6 - 6
- Q. How much minimum BP pressure is reduce to require to apply brake in a goods train?
A)1.00 kg/cm2 to 1.50 kg/cm2 D. 2.00 kg/cm2or more
B)Less than1.0 kg/cm2 B. 1.00 kg/cm2 to 2.00 kg/cm2 C. 1.00 kg/cm2 to 1.50 kg/cm2 D. 2.00 kg/cm2or more
C)1.00 kg/cm2 to 2.00 kg/cm2 C. 1.00 kg/cm2 to 1.50 kg/cm2 D. 2.00 kg/cm2or more
Answer: Less than1.0 kg/cm2 B. 1.00 kg/cm2 to 2.00 kg/cm2 C. 1.00 kg/cm2 to 1.50 kg/cm2 D. 2.00 kg/cm2or more
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