Q. When a train is working on T/D912 in automatic block in system, the train must be piloted into the station during reception by

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More Questions on Indian Railway

  • Q. When the points are set for main line, point indicator shows white target by day and ________ Light by night.
    Answer: White
  • Q. On which place the Guard should be presented at the time of train backed from one running line to another line?
    A)In Break van
    B)At Facing point
    C)On Engine
    D)At Anyplace
    Answer: In Break van
  • Q. Loco and traffic running staff are entitled for ________ hours rest at head quarters after running duty of 08 hours or more
    A)12 hours
    B)04 hours
    C)08 hours
    D)16 hours
    Answer: 16 hours
  • Q. In context with the Indian railways what is TPWS?
    A)Train Protection Warning Stopper
    B)Train Passenger Warning System
    C)Train Protection Warning System
    D)Transmission Protection warning Stopper
    Answer: Train Protection Warning System
  • Q. EMU trains of harbour line has ________ number of wooden wedges.
    Answer: 4
  • Q. Minimum depth of space for wheel flange from rail level in BG is
    C)1 (1/2)"
    D)None of these
    Answer: 1 (1/2)"
  • Q. How many minimum BP pressure is require in engine to charge Goods train?
    A)5.8 kg/cm2 D. 5.00 kg/cm2
    B)4.8 kg/cm2 B. 6.00 kg/cm2 C. 5.8 kg/cm2 D. 5.00 kg/cm2
    C)6.00 kg/cm2 C. 5.8 kg/cm2 D. 5.00 kg/cm2
    D)5.00 kg/cm2
    Answer: 5.00 kg/cm2
  • Q. High flood level mark shall be painted in
    D)None of these
    Answer: Red
  • Q. A lorry shall be protected by banner flags and detonators if it remains stationary within the station yard for more than
    A)20 meters
    B)15 meters
    C)10 meters
    D)None of these
    Answer: 15 meters
  • Q. Guard of passenger train shall sign on ________ minutes before the actual departure of the train.
    Answer: 30
  • Q. If distant signal show green accepts, which indication is shown for loco pilot on single distant?
    A)Receive on loop line
    B)Run through from station
    C)Receive of Main line
    D)None of these
    Answer: Run through from station
  • Q. Sounding of 5 hooters means ________.
    A)ART, MRV required at out station
    D)None of these
    Answer: ART, MRV required at out station
  • Q. Which is the fastest train in India?
    A)Duronto Express
    B)Rajdhani Express
    C)Shatabdi Express
    D)Tejas Express
    Answer: E
  • Q. Goods warning board will be provided from FSS in BG at
    A)560 meters
    B)1400 meters
    C)1000 meters
    D)None of these
    Answer: 1400 meters
  • Q. What will be the distance between banner flag and stop indicator if engineering work continue for more than one day ?
    A)27 meters
    B)30 meters
    C)3 meters
    D)100 meters
    Answer: 30 meters
  • Q. Yearly goods stock census is taken on ________.
    A)30st November
    B)31st December
    C)31st October
    D)31st March
    Answer: 30st November
  • Q. On the electrified area in sections at 25 KV A.C., when the gross clearance is between 390 MM and 340 MM the speed must be
    A)8 kmph
    B)10 kmph
    C)15 kmph
    D)None of these
    Answer: 15 kmph
  • Q. Whistle boards must be provided at an adequate distance in rear of all level crossing gates on both side?
    A)600 meters
    B)400 meters
    C)500 meters
    D)800 meters
    Answer: 600 meters
  • Q. At the starting station, passenger train must have ________ kg/cm2 of FP pressure and 5 kg/cm2 of BP pressure in the engine.
    Answer: 6
  • Q. Wagon with livestock shall be attached ________ position from engine on a goods train.
    D)None of these
    Answer: Second

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