More Questions on Indian Railway
- Q. After the detonator explodes if Driver does not find any signal he can proceed upto ________ Km cautiously
D)None of these
Answer: 1.5
- Q. At a station in gradient in 1-260 or steeper, during shunting the Engine must be on the ________ gradient.
D)None of these
Answer: UP
- Q. for the purpose of shunting is gradient the steeper gradient for Roller bearing vehicle is
A)ST 1-260
B)ST 1-400
C)1-400 or sleeper
D)None of these
Answer: 1-400 or sleeper
- Q. Consider the following steps in Budget Procedure in India: 1)The demands for grants of various ministries and departments including railways are considered by the concerned standing committees 2)Broad contours of the budget and the principles and policies underlying it are discussed. 3)A cut motion is moved in the Lok Sabha 4)Budget is presented in the House. Which among the following is the correct sequence of the above steps?
A)4 2 1 3
B)1 2 3 4
C)1 2 4 3
D)3 1 4 2
Answer: 4 2 1 3
- Q. Between which place station section is situated at double class B station, equipped with MACLS?
B)Home signal to Ad starter
C)BSLB to Ad. Starter
D)A or B any one
Answer: BSLB to Ad. Starter
- Q. Which of the following is the largest zone in terms of route kilometers?
A)Northern Railways
B)Western Railways
C)Eastern Railways
D)Southern Railways
Answer: Northern Railways
- Q. Booked speed is fixed by ________.
D)None of these
Answer: COM
- Q. When baking a train from one line to the other line, it is necessary to present the train guard.
A)Break van
D)Any Place
Answer: Break van
- Q. What will be the maximum speedof train in case of failure of headlight of engine?
A)60 kmph
B)30 kmph
C)40 kmph
D)Normal speed
Answer: 40 kmph
- Q. How many members did the railway board had?
Answer: 4
- Q. WTT will be issued ________.
A)Three in Year
B)Once in a Year
C)Two in a Year
D)None of these
Answer: Once in a Year
- Q. Length of BOXN Wagon is
A)10.71 meters
B)8.67 meters
C)9.78 meters
D)None of these
Answer: 10.71 meters
- Q. The banner flag is a ________
A)Both of these
B)Temporary stop signal
C)Permanent stop signal
D)None of these
Answer: Temporary stop signal
- Q. Number of the caution order is ________
D)None of these
Answer: T/409
- Q. TSL is started between those two stations at which cross over facility are available and
A)D Class/IBC
B)A Class/IBS
C)C Class/IBS
D)None of these
Answer: C Class/IBS
- Q. What will be the code of engine whistle during signal passing at ON or in defective condition on proper authority information by the Loco Pilot to Guard ?
Answer: 0-0
- Q. Which aspect of signal on Automatic section while showing “A” & “AG” both light-up?
A)Gate opened and point is not set for main line
B)Gate closed and point is set for main line
C)Gate opened and point is set for main line
D)Defective signal
Answer: Defective signal
- Q. When ISMD attached train is allowed to run through on PF line the speed must be
A)10 kmph
B)5 kmph
C)8 kmph
D)None of these
Answer: 5 kmph
- Q. Permissible limit of flat tyre in goods and coaching vehicles is 60mm and ________ respectively.
A)80 mm
B)60 mm
C)70 mm
D)50 mm
Answer: 50 mm
- Q. What is maximum width of coaching stock in BG?
A)3250 mm
B)3050 mm
C)3200 mm
D)3300 mm
Answer: 3250 mm
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