Q. The Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act was passed in :

Correct Answer

The year 1967

More Questions on Indian Politics

  • Q. Which of the following has the power to form new states or to change the borders of the states?
    C)Election Commission
    D)None of these
    Answer: Parliament
  • Q. What is the category in which the negotiating strategy of a strike by the Government employees falls?
    A)Legal Right
    B)Fundamental Rights of freedom of association and expression
    C)Trade Union right as common law
    D)There is no right
    Answer: There is no right
  • Q. The position of a chief minister is
    A)identical to that of the president
    B)similar to that of the prime minister
    C)a combination of the position of the prime minister and president
    D)not constitutional
    Answer: similar to that of the prime minister
  • Q. Who was the first Chief Election Commissioner of India?
    A)Sukurnar Sen
    B)Morarji Desai
    C)Sardar Patel
    D)V.S Ramadevi
    Answer: Sukurnar Sen
  • Q. Which Article specifies the Fundamental Duties of every citizen?
    Answer: Article-51(A)
  • Q. Which of the country has single-party system-
    Answer: China
  • Q. Articles-74 and 75 ofIndian Constitution deal with matters of-
    A)Speaker of Lok Sabha
    B)Council of Ministers
    C)President of India
    D)Cabinet Ministers
    Answer: Council of Ministers
  • Q. Under which Article of the constitution can an Emergency be declared in India on account of war or external aggression?
    Answer: Article-352
  • Q. Who can displace the Judge of High Court-
    B)President on a proposal passed by majority in parliament
    C)Chief Minister in consultation with Governor
    D)President in consultation with Chief Justice of India
    Answer: President on a proposal passed by majority in parliament
  • Q. Who proposed the Preamble before the drafting committe of the Constitution?
    A)B.R. Ambedkar
    B)Jawaharlal Nehru
    C)B.N. Rao
    D)Mahatma Gandhi
    Answer: Jawaharlal Nehru
  • Q. Who permits the formation of new state in Union of India?
    A)Supreme Court
    C)Prime Minister
    Answer: Parliament
  • Q. How many times, the tenure of Lok Sabha was increased for 6 years-
    Answer: 1
  • Q. For which one of the following judgements of Supreme Court of India, the Kesavananda Bharti Vs State of India case is considered a landmark?
    A)Abolishing untouchability from the country
    B)The religion cannot be mobilised for political ends
    C)Right of life and liberty cannot be suspended under any circumstance
    D)The basic structure of the Constitution, as defined in the Preamble, cannot be changed
    Answer: The basic structure of the Constitution, as defined in the Preamble, cannot be changed
  • Q. Constitutional Majestic means-
    A)Drafting of constitution by the king
    B)Constitution defined by the king
    C)Election of king by the people
    D)Use of power by king under the ambit of constitution
    Answer: Use of power by king under the ambit of constitution
  • Q. Who presides the joint sitting of Parliament-
    A)Senior most member of Parliament
    B)Chairman of Rajya Sabha
    C)Speaker of Lok Sabha
    D)President of India
    Answer: Speaker of Lok Sabha
  • Q. In Pocket Veto, the President of India can keep a bill for how much duration?
    A)6 month
    B)1 month
    C)12 month
    D)Indefinite period
    Answer: Indefinite period
  • Q. The power of mitigation of dispute between centre and state falls in ______ of the supreme court of India-
    A)Constitutional Jurisdiction
    B)Original Jurisdiction
    C)Consulting Jurisdiction
    D)Appellate Jurisdiction
    Answer: Original Jurisdiction
  • Q. Planning Commission of India was-
    A)A Free and Autonomous Body
    B)A Constitutional Body
    C)A Statutory Body
    D)A Non-Constitutional Body
    Answer: A Non-Constitutional Body
  • Q. The right to equal opportunity for all citizens in matter of public employment has been enshrined in :
    A)Article 17
    B)Article 16
    C)Article 18
    D)Article 19
    Answer: Article 16
  • Q. A governor, though he remains in office at the pleasure of the President is an integral part of :
    A)State Legislature
    B)Lok Shabha
    C)Raj Shabha
    D)None of Above
    Answer: State Legislature

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