Q. Only ________ persons other than the motor man/guard are authorized to travel in the cab in EMU
A)6 B)2 C)4 D)8
Answer: 2
Q. Distant signal is a ________ signal.
A)Subsidiary B)Permissive C)Home D)None of these
Answer: Permissive
Q. A station where the rail lines end, is called
A)Block station B)Junction station C)Way - side station D)Terminal station
Answer: Terminal station
Q. What should be done by guard if train entering in block section without authority to proceed?
A)Protect the Train B)Stop the Train C)Inform to SM D)All of above
Answer: All of above
Q. Which authority shall be received from station in rear while colour light distant signal is blank-off?
A)T/A409 B)T/369(1) C)T/409 D)No Need of any Authority
Answer: T/369(1)
Q. At a station in gradient in 1-260 or steeper, during shunting the Engine must be on the ________ gradient.
A)Both B)UP C)Falling D)None of these
Answer: UP
Q. In the classification of A to R accidents, ________ and ‘o’ classes are not included.
A)Both B)Minor C)Serious D)None of these
Answer: Serious
Q. In the event of an accident falling in more than one class it should be treated as an accident in the ________ class.
A)Both B)Lowest C)Highest D)None of these
Answer: Highest
Q. What will be the code of engine whistle during signal passing at ON or in defective condition on proper authority information by the Loco Pilot to Guard ?
A)--0 B)0-0 C)-0- D)---
Answer: 0-0
Q. What is the position of the Indian Railway under the zonal system?
A)Third B)First C)Second D)Forth
Answer: Second
Q. Motorman shall give ________ beat to release the hand brakes.
A)00-00-00 B)00-0-00 C)0-0-0 D)0-00-00
Answer: 00-0-00
Q. Accident drill is to be conducted once in ________ if no real accident occurs during this period.
A)01 month B)04 month C)02 month D)03 Months
Answer: 02 month
Q. Not more than ________ persons including trollyman shall go on a 6 HP motory trolly.
A)9 B)10 C)3 D)4
Answer: 10
Q. After how much time Any goods train shall be treated as overdue train?
Q. Minimum distance apart of refuges in Tunnels in BG is (at present)
A)200 meters B)100 meters C)150 meters D)None of these
Answer: 100 meters
Q. Target time for departing ART during day is 30 minutes and during night is ________ minutes.
A)60 B)40 C)50 D)45
Answer: 45
Q. In Automatic Block system , in BG when there is obstruction in the adjacent line, driver to protect the adjacent line first by placing one detonator at not less than ________ , metres.
A)1200 B)600 C)800 D)None of these
Answer: 600
Q. At the starting station, CC rake goods train must have ________ % of brake power.
A)90 B)75 C)50 D)100
Answer: 100
Q. When a motor trolley is in charge of office, the motor trolley can go upto outer most facing points after waiting for ________ minutes.
A)20 B)10 C)15 D)25
Answer: 10
Q. Which whistle code shall be used by loco pilot while Guard’s assistance is required?
A)Three short B)Long continue C)Intermediate long continue D)Three long