Q. The number of parliamentary seats (Lok Sabha) of Goa is-

Correct Answer


More Questions on Indian Politics

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    B)governor on a report by the Supreme Court
    C)president on a report by the Supreme Court
    D)president on a resolution passed by Parliament
    Answer: president on a report by the Supreme Court
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    A)1/3 of the members
    B)1/6 of the members
    C)1/12 of the membets
    D)5/6 of the members
    Answer: 1/3 of the members
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    B)the members of the armed forces
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    D)All of the above
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    A)2 times
    B)3 times
    C)1 times
    D)Never amended
    Answer: 1 times
  • Q. Which of the following is under the state?
    A)Only internal sovereignty
    B)Only external sovereignty
    C)Internal and external sovereignty
    D)Neither external nor internal sovereignty
    Answer: Internal and external sovereignty
  • Q. The Vice President of India is elected by-
    A)Members of Rajya Sabha
    B)The members of Parliament
    C)Elected members of Parliament
    D)Members of State Legislature and Parliament
    Answer: The members of Parliament
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    Answer: Italy
  • Q. President constftutea which of the folloWing bodies for the distribution of resources between Centre and States-
    A)Planning Commission
    B)Finance Commission
    C)Taxation Commission
    D)Tariff Commission
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  • Q. Ideas of welfare state are contained in-
    A)Directive Principles of State Policy
    B)Fundamental Rights
    C)Preamble of the constitution
    Answer: Directive Principles of State Policy
  • Q. The constituent Assembly was set up in-
    Answer: 1946
  • Q. The write which literally means ‘by what authority or warrant’ and is issued by the court to enquire the legality of a claim of a person to public office is called
    A)Quo Warranto
    B)Ad hoc
    D)Sub judice
    Answer: Quo Warranto
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    A)Consolidated Fund of the state where he last served
    B)Consolidated Fund of India
    C)Consolidated Funds of the different states where he has served
    D)Contingency Fund of India
    Answer: Consolidated Fund of India
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    A)Interstate council
    B)Panchayati raj
    Answer: Panchayati raj
  • Q. The parliamentary form of government as prevalent in India emphasizes the interdependence between the:
    A)Urban Development and Rural Development
    B)Social Justice & Empowerment
    C)Urban Employment and Poverty
    D)Legislative and Executive Organs
    Answer: Legislative and Executive Organs
  • Q. Where is the word “Federal” used in the constitution of India?
    A)Part 3
    C)Article 368
    D)Nowhere in constitution
    Answer: Nowhere in constitution
  • Q. By which of the following modes can citizenship be acquired in India? i. By birth, ii. Hereditary, iii. By Registration, iv. By Request
    A)i, ii, and iii
    B)i and ii
    C)ii and iii
    D)iv, ii and iii
    Answer: i, ii, and iii
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    A)Gujarat and Orissa
    B)Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh
    C)Maharashtra and Goa
    D)Madhya Pradesh and Rajasthan
    Answer: Maharashtra and Goa
  • Q. The preamble enshrines certain ideals that were first spelt out in
    A)the Nehru report
    B)the speech by Jawaharlal Nehru on the banks of Ravi when he called for Purana Swaraj
    C)a resolution adopted at the Karachi session of the Indian National Congress
    D)the Objectives Resolution adopted by the Constituent Assembly
    Answer: the Objectives Resolution adopted by the Constituent Assembly
  • Q. Which Lok Sabha speaker has authored the book ‘Matoshree’?
    A)Meira Kumar
    B)Sumitra Mahajan
    C)Sornnath Chatterjee
    D)Manohar Joshi
    Answer: Sumitra Mahajan
  • Q. Which of the following tatement is not correct about Governor-
    A)Governor can be tranferred from one state to another during their tenure
    B)A person can be appointed as Governor for two or more states
    C)President appoints Governor by warrant, under his hand and seal
    D)Minimum age required for a person to become Governor of a state is 30 years
    Answer: Minimum age required for a person to become Governor of a state is 30 years

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