More Questions on Indian Politics
- Q. The number of Union Territories in India is-
Answer: 8
- Q. Article 20 of the Indian Constitution “Protection inrespect of conviction for offences” deals with?
A)The Union Government
B)The fundamental rights of the Indian Citizen
C)The State Government
D)The Directive Principles of State Policy
Answer: The fundamental rights of the Indian Citizen
- Q. According to our Constifution, India is-
A)A Secillar State
B)A Religious State
C)A Capitalist State
D)A plutocratic State
Answer: A Secillar State
- Q. Constitution Day of India is on-
A)23rd June
B)26th January
C)15th August
D)26th November
Answer: 26th November
- Q. Who was in favour of a democracy without parties-
A)Bhupendra Nath Dutta
B)Jay Prakash Narayan
D)Jawaharlal Nehru
Answer: Jay Prakash Narayan
- Q. Which among the following is not appointed by the President of India?
A)Judge of Supreme Court
B)Vice President of India
C)Attorney General of India
D)Chief Justice of India
Answer: Vice President of India
- Q. Who among the following was the first ‘Minister of Finance’ in independent India?
A)Liaquat Ali Khan
B)R.K. Shanmukham Chetty
C)John Mathai
D)Satya Narayan Sinha
Answer: R.K. Shanmukham Chetty
- Q. The Chairman of Rajya sabha can be removed from his office only if he is removed from :
A)The office of President
B)Removed from Lok Shaba
C)The office of Vice-President
D)None of Above
Answer: The office of Vice-President
- Q. Under which Article of the Constitution can an individual move to the Supreme Court directly in case of any violation of Fundamental Rights?
Answer: Article-32
- Q. Which of the following constitutional Amendment Act, deals with the Elementary Education as a Fundamental Right?
A)85th Amendment Act
B)84th Amendment Act
C)86th Amendment Act
D)87th Amendment Act
Answer: 86th Amendment Act
- Q. The idea of Republic and the ideals of liberty, equality and fraternity as laid down in the preamble to the constitution of India have been borrowed from :
A)Canada constitution
B)USA constitution
C)French constitution
D)The UK constitution
Answer: French constitution
- Q. High Court of Andaman and Nicobar Island is located in which state of India?
A)West Bengal
B)Tamil Nadu
C)Andhra Pradesh
Answer: West Bengal
- Q. The term of members of Union Public Service Commission is-
A)5 years or up to the age of 60
B)3 years or upto the age of 58
C)6 years or upto the age of 65
D)6 years
Answer: 6 years or upto the age of 65
- Q. Separation of the judiciary from the executive has been provided in one of the following parts of the Indian Constitution-
A)The Fundamental Right
B)The Preamble
C)The Directive Principles of State Policy
D)The Seventh Schedule
Answer: The Directive Principles of State Policy
- Q. Three Tier Panchayati Raj System includes-
A)District Panchayat, SubDistrict Panchayat and Zone Level Panchayat
B)Village Level Panchayat, Zone Level Panchayat and Panchayat committee
C)Village Level Panchayat, Block Level Panchayat and District Level Panchayat
D)Village Level Panchayat, Panchayat Committee and District Council
Answer: Village Level Panchayat, Block Level Panchayat and District Level Panchayat
- Q. Howmany times, a Non-money bill is discussed in every house of the parliament-
Answer: Three
- Q. Where is the word “Federal” used in the constitution of India?
A)Part 3
C)Article 368
D)Nowhere in constitution
Answer: Nowhere in constitution
- Q. _____ means cases that can be directly considered by the Supreme Cour’t without going to the lower courts before that.
A)Writ Jurisdiction
B)Original Jurisdiction
C)Appellate Jurisdiction
D)Advisory Jurisdiction
Answer: Original Jurisdiction
- Q. Who approves a bill as money bill in Lok Sabha-
A)Finance Minister
C)Prime Minister
Answer: Speaker
- Q. Who said this “Good citizen makes good state and bad citizen makes bad state”-
Answer: Plato
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