Q. “Reserve Bank of India” is listed in the _______ list given in the Seventh Schedule in the Constitution of India.

Correct Answer


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    A)Article 19
    B)Article 14
    C)Article 356
    D)Article 32
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    Answer: 1992
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    A)Judicial Review
    B)Dependent State
    C)Single Government
    D)Flexible Constitution
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    B)40th Amendment
    C)44th Amendment
    D)45th Amendment
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    A)Commonly Party of India
    B)Common Party of India
    C)Communist Party of India
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    A)2 year
    B)1 year
    C)3 year
    D)6 year
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    A)Right to vote to elect a representative in election
    B)To pass such laws which can punish people
    C)Right to vote rich
    D)Right to vote poor only
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    B)1 year
    C)3 year
    D)4 year
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    B)Consolidated Fund of India
    C)United Nations Development Programme
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  • Q. The fifth schedule to the constitution of India deals with administration and control of :
    A)The Forms of Oaths or Affirmations.
    B)Scheduled areas and Scheduled Tribes.
    C)The Union list, State list and the concurrent list.
    D)Provisions as to disqualification on ground of defection.
    Answer: Scheduled areas and Scheduled Tribes.
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    A)62 years
    B)60 years
    C)64 years
    D)65 years
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    B)45 days
    C)90 days
    D)365 days
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    C)Entire Council of Ministers
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    A)President of India
    B)Chief Justice of India
    C)Law Minister of India
    D)The Union Cabinet
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    A)Nagar Panchayat
    B)District Panchayat
    C)Gram Sabha
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  • Q. Which of the following statements is correct about the President of India?
    A)Addresses first session of Parliament at the beginning of each year
    B)Addresses first session of Parliament after each General Election
    C)Addresses every session of Parliament
    D)Never addresses Parliament
    Answer: E
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    A)Member of Rajya Sabha
    B)Member of Lok Sabha
    C)Member of any house
    D)Not a member of any house
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    Answer: Article-17

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