More Questions on Geography

  • Q. The years 1700, 1800 and 1900 were
    A)Famine years
    B)Leap years
    C)Not leap years
    D)Years of natural calamities
    Answer: Not leap years
  • Q. What is multiple cropping?
    A)Raising in succession only one type of crop in the same piece of land
    B)When seeds are sown on a piece of land and then seedings are transplanted in different fields
    C)Dividing a field in two or more parts and then sowing different crops in each part
    D)Raising two or more crops in succession in a year on the same land
    Answer: Dividing a field in two or more parts and then sowing different crops in each part
  • Q. Which one of the following is the correct sequence of the given tiger reserves of India from north to south?
    A)Indravati - Kanha - Dudwa - Bandipur
    B)Dudwa - Kanha - Indravati - Bandipur
    C)Kanha - Bandipur - Dudwa - Indravati
    D)Dudwa - Kanha - Bandipur - Indravati
    Answer: Dudwa - Kanha - Indravati - Bandipur
  • Q. The Garo, Khasi and Jaintia hills were formed in the same age as the
    A)Malwa Plateau
    C)Shiwalik Range
    D)Himachal Range
    Answer: Malwa Plateau
  • Q. Which among the following currents is produced by upwelling of water off the coast of Chile and Peru?
    A)Benguela Current
    B)Canarie Current
    C)Humboldt Current
    D)Kuroshio Current
    Answer: Humboldt Current
  • Q. How many ports are there in India?
    Answer: 12
  • Q. There are nine coastal states in India but half of the sea salt is manufactured in the coast of Gujarat because
    A)Salt is exported from Kandla port
    B)Gandhiji started Salt Satyagrah in Gujarat
    C)Less rain and relative humidity is best for the evaporation of the sea water
    D)The salinity of water near coast of Gujarat is very high
    Answer: Less rain and relative humidity is best for the evaporation of the sea water
  • Q. Which of the following is not a result of underground water activity?
    A)Sink holes
    Answer: Fiords
  • Q. A place having an average annual temperature of 27°C and an annual rainfall of over 200 cm. could be ________
    Answer: Singapore
  • Q. Which one of the following descriptions denotes the phenomenon of El Nino ?
    A)The Anomalous widespread warming of the sea surface of the tropical east and central Pacific Ocean
    B)A violent rotating column of air extending from a thunderstorm to the ground
    C)The deflection of the ocean currents in the northern and southern hemispheres due to the rotation of Earth
    D)The revolving tropical storms of the Caribbean and Gulf of Mexico
    Answer: The Anomalous widespread warming of the sea surface of the tropical east and central Pacific Ocean
  • Q. India’s Biosphere Reserve ‘Nanda Devi’ (UNESCO) is located in which state?
    D)Himachal Pradesh
    Answer: Uttarakhand
  • Q. Sundarban was declared a World Heritage Site because of its:
    A)Nearest to Bay of Bengal
    B)River Delta
    C)Mangroves Forests and Biodiversity
    D)None of Above
    Answer: Mangroves Forests and Biodiversity
  • Q. Which was the first scheme of “Biosphere Reserve Areas”?
    A)Nanda Devi Biosphere Reserve
    B)Sundarban Biosphere Reserve
    C)Nilgiri Biosphere Reserve
    D)Gulf of Mannar Biosphere Reserve
    Answer: Nilgiri Biosphere Reserve
  • Q. Which of the following is untraditional sources of Energy?
    Answer: Biogas
  • Q. Soil erosion in desert area can be prevented
    A)By forestation
    B)By strip ploughing
    C)By using manure
    D)By shifting cultivation
    Answer: By forestation
  • Q. Singhbhum is famous for ________
    D)Both B and C
    Answer: Both B and C
  • Q. The correct decreasing order of the population of the various continents is ________
    A)Asia, Africa, Europe, America, Australia
    B)Asia, Europe, America, Africa, Australia
    C)Asia, America, Europe, Africa, Australia
    D)Asia, America, Africa, Europe, Australia
    Answer: Asia, Africa, Europe, America, Australia
  • Q. Lines Joining places having equal height are
    Answer: Contours
  • Q. Which one of the following reflects back more sunlight as compared to other three?
    A)Land covered with fresh snow
    B)Sand desert
    C)Paddy crop land
    D)Prairie land
    Answer: Land covered with fresh snow
  • Q. Which, among the following countries, lies at the junction of three continents (Asia, Africa ad Europe)?
    Answer: Cyprus

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