Q. “Liberty consists in obedience to the general will” whose statement is this-

Correct Answer


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    B)Standing committee
    C)Joint committee
    D)Permanent committee
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    A)Prime Minister's Office
    B)Ministry of Defence
    C)Securities and Exchange Board of India
    D)Rajya Sabha
    Answer: Rajya Sabha
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    A)Providing burial and cremation grounds
    B)Providing sanitation and drainage
    C)Providing college education
    D)Maintenance of road
    Answer: Providing college education
  • Q. The Article-343 of the Indian Constitution is about-
    A)Number of seats for the Rajya Sabha
    B)Number of seats for the Lok Sabha
    C)Hindi as official language
    D)Special status to Kashmir
    Answer: Hindi as official language
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    A)Meira Kumar
    B)Sumitra Mahajan
    C)Sornnath Chatterjee
    D)Manohar Joshi
    Answer: Sumitra Mahajan
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    Answer: 40
  • Q. The maximum time a person can continue to be the minister of the State Government without being a member the state legislature-
    A)Three months
    B)One year
    C)Six months
    D)No time limit
    Answer: Six months
  • Q. A proceeding under Article-226 in case of detention of a person is a-
    A)Criminal proceeding
    B)Civil proceeding
    C)Judicial proceeding
    D)Statutory proceeding
    Answer: Criminal proceeding
  • Q. Under the Directive Principles of State Policy up to what age of the children they are expected to be provided free and compulsory education?
    A)15 years
    B)14 years
    C)16 years
    D)18 years
    Answer: 14 years
  • Q. Which of the following has the power to form new states or to change the borders of the states?
    C)Election Commission
    D)None of these
    Answer: Parliament
  • Q. Which Article specifies the Fundamental Duties of every citizen?
    Answer: Article-51(A)
  • Q. What is the full form of the Indian Political Party, “AITC”?
    A)All India Telugu Congress
    B)All India Trinamool Congress
    C)All India Telugu Communist
    D)All India Trinamool Communist
    Answer: All India Trinamool Congress
  • Q. Which of the following ensures grassroot democracy in India-
    A)Interstate council
    B)Panchayati raj
    Answer: Panchayati raj
  • Q. Which Article gives the power to the Parliament to make law on subjects of state list-
    Answer: 249
  • Q. By which Constitutional Amendment Act was the number of Lok sabha seats increased from 525 to 545 ?
    A)The Forty-second Amendment Act, 1976.
    B)The Twentieth Amendment Act, 1966.
    C)The Forty-fourth Amendment Act, 1978.
    D)Thirty-first Constitutional Amendment Act, 1973.
    Answer: Thirty-first Constitutional Amendment Act, 1973.
  • Q. Parliament includes-
    A)Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha
    B)President, Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha
    C)Lok Sabha and Legislative Assembly
    D)Legislative Assembly, Legislative Council and Lok Sabha
    Answer: President, Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha
  • Q. Match List-I (Parts of the Indian Constitution) with List-II (Provisions) and select the correct answer using the codes given below- List I – List II A. Part-IV(A) – 1. The Fundamental Duties B. Part-VIII – 2. The Union Territories C. Part-IX – 3. The Panchayats D. Part-IX(A) – 4. The Municipalities
    A)A-2, B-1, C-3, D-4
    B)A-1, B-2, C-3, D-4
    C)A-4, B-3, C-1, D-2
    D)A-4, B-3, C-2, D-1
    Answer: A-1, B-2, C-3, D-4
  • Q. How many times, the tenure of Lok Sabha was increased for 6 years-
    Answer: 1
  • Q. Which among the following Article of the Indian Constitution provides for State emergency and suspends constitutional arrangement in a State?
    Answer: Article-356
  • Q. The number of parliamentary seats (Lok Sabha) of Kerala is-
    Answer: 20

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