Q. Howmany members can be nominated for both houses of parliament by the president?

Correct Answer


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    B)A-3, B-4, C-1, D-2
    C)A-1, B-2, C-3, D-4
    D)A-1, B-4, C-3, D-2
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    B)Abrahm Lincoln
    C)Theodre Roosevelt
    D)Winston Churchill
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    A)1 and 2
    B)1 and 3
    C)2 and 3
    D)1,2 and 3
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    A)4 years
    B)3 years
    C)5 years
    D)7 years
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    B)Original Jurisdiction
    C)Appellate Jurisdiction
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    A)Age should be 35 years
    B)Citizen of India
    C)Should have practiced at least 10 years in any High court
    D)Should be a jurist
    Answer: Age should be 35 years
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    A)Chief Minister of the State
    B)Governor of the State
    C)Speaker of the Assembly
    D)Finance Minister of the State
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    A)Article 12
    B)Article 15
    C)Article 17
    D)Article 20
    Answer: Article 12
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    Answer: 395
  • Q. The members of the committees of Parliament are
    A)nominated by the prime minister
    B)nominated by the leaders of the various parties in the Parliament
    C)appointed by the speaker or elected by the House from amongst persons who are not members of Parliam
    D)appointed by the speaker or elected by the House from amongst its own members
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    B)United States of America
    C)South Africa
    Answer: Ireland
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    B)Public Accounts Committee
    C)Finance Ministry
    D)Committee on Public Undertakings
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    A)Consultative Jurisdiction
    B)Original Jurisdiction
    C)Appellate and Consultative Jurisdiction
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    A)The Cabinet consisting of only Cabinet Ministers of the Union
    B)The Prime Minister
    C)The Council of Ministers of the Union
    Answer: The Cabinet consisting of only Cabinet Ministers of the Union
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    Answer: 1985
  • Q. The Indian’Judiciary headed’ by-
    A)The Prime Minister
    B)The President
    C)The Supreme Court
    D)The Parliament
    Answer: The Supreme Court

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