Q. Governor is sworn by-

Correct Answer

Chief Justice of High Court

More Questions on Indian Politics

  • Q. For Rajya Sabha, how many members are nominated by President?
    Answer: 12
  • Q. Constitutional Majestic means-
    A)Drafting of constitution by the king
    B)Constitution defined by the king
    C)Election of king by the people
    D)Use of power by king under the ambit of constitution
    Answer: Use of power by king under the ambit of constitution
  • Q. The maximum number of elected members of Lok Sabha can be-
    Answer: 550
  • Q. Article-21 of the Indian Constitution “Protection of life and personal liberty” deals with?
    A)The fundamental rights of the Indian Citizen
    B)The Union Government
    C)The State Government
    D)The Directive Principles of State Policy
    Answer: The fundamental rights of the Indian Citizen
  • Q. Name of qountry from which the consititution features of procedures for amendment was borrowed by India-
    C)South Africa
    Answer: South Africa
  • Q. What is the term of President of Switzerland-
    A)2 year
    B)1 year
    C)3 year
    D)4 year
    Answer: 1 year
  • Q. Which State has the highest Lok Sabha seats in India?
    A)Madhya Pradesh
    C)Uttar Pradesh
    Answer: Uttar Pradesh
  • Q. A unitary form of government is that in which all the powers are concentrated in the hands of-
    A)Central government
    B)Local government
    C)Provincial government
    Answer: Central government
  • Q. For which one of the following judgements of Supreme Court of India, the Kesavananda Bharti Vs State of India case is considered a landmark?
    A)Abolishing untouchability from the country
    B)The religion cannot be mobilised for political ends
    C)Right of life and liberty cannot be suspended under any circumstance
    D)The basic structure of the Constitution, as defined in the Preamble, cannot be changed
    Answer: The basic structure of the Constitution, as defined in the Preamble, cannot be changed
  • Q. Which year did President declare National emergency on internal dispute-
    Answer: 1975
  • Q. Article-173 of the Indian Constitution “Qualification for membership of the State Legislature” deals with?
    A)The State Government
    B)The Directive Principles of State Policy
    C)The Union Government
    D)The fundamental rights of the Indian Citizen
    Answer: The State Government
  • Q. Article 169 of the Constitution makes the provision for the abolition or creation of :
    A)Specifies the number of seats for the Rajya Sabha
    B)Specifies the number of seats for the Lok Sabha
    C)Specifies Fundamental Duties
    D)Legislative Councils in States
    Answer: Legislative Councils in States
  • Q. What is the maximum period for which the Vice President can act as the President in case of vacancy in the the President’s office?
    A)6 months
    B)3 months
    C)1 year
    D)2 year
    Answer: 6 months
  • Q. In which of the form, composit India has been described in the constitution?
    A)Semi Federal
    B)A Union State
    C)Federation of States and Territories
    D)Partly Unitary and Partly Federal
    Answer: A Union State
  • Q. The concept of Procedure established by Law as incorporated in the constitution of India is borrowed from :
    A)American constitution
    B)Irish constitution
    C)English constitution
    D)Japanese constitution.
    Answer: Japanese constitution.
  • Q. How can a new All India Service be introduced-
    A)By Legislative Command
    B)By doing Amendment in the Constitution
    C)By passing a Resolution under Article-312
    D)By Law
    Answer: By passing a Resolution under Article-312
  • Q. The declaration that Democracy is a Government of the people, by the people for the people was made by-
    A)George Washington
    B)Abrahm Lincoln
    C)Theodre Roosevelt
    D)Winston Churchill
    Answer: Abrahm Lincoln
  • Q. Which schedule of the constitution of India deals with powers, authority and responsibilities of municipalities?
    A)Twelfth schedule
    B)Fifth schedule
    C)Seventh schedule
    D)Tenth schedule
    Answer: Twelfth schedule
  • Q. Which of these is not a language in India?
    Answer: Sikh
  • Q. Judge of the Superme Court and High Court can be removed by-
    B)The President
    C)Union Council of Minister
    D)Chief Justice of the Supreme court
    Answer: The President

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