Q. When the calling on signal is taken off, it indicates the loco pilot to proceed ________ and be prepared to stop short of any obstruction.
A)Defective B)Caution C)Cautiously D)None of these
Answer: Cautiously
Q. On which authority relief train shall be dispatched for obstructed block section?
A)On memo B)PLCT C)T/A602 D)None of these
Answer: T/A602
Q. Marshalling rules of passenger train are framed by ________.
Answer: COM
Q. The time taken for formation of a goods train in flat yard is
A)3 kmph B)2 hrs C)1 hr D)None of these
Answer: 2 hrs
Q. D class station board is placed ________ meters from the end of the platform.
A)600 B)400 C)500 D)800
Answer: 500
Q. In automatic section, temporary single line working on double line section what authority to proceed will be served to loco pilot from opposite direction?
A)TD-912 B)TA-912 C)TB-912 D)TC-1425
Answer: TA-912
Q. What is the speed of second train on double line section running on T/A602?
A)10 kmph B)20 kmph C)15 kmph D)8 kmph
Answer: 8 kmph
Q. Speed of a passenger train passing through loop line on a station equipped with STD III interlocking?