Q. By which Constitutional Amendment Bill, did the Parliament lower the voting age from 21 to 18 years?

Correct Answer


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    C)Directive principles of state policy
    D)None of these
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    B)Fundamental rights
    D)Directive principles of state policy
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    B)It was considered to be an auspicious day
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    A)Kesavananda Bharti Vs. State of Kerala (1973)
    B)S. R. Bommai Vs. Union of India
    C)L.M.Singhvi Vs. Union of India
    D)None of Above
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    B)Raj Committee
    C)Dutta Committee
    D)Kothari Commission
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    B)No confidence motion
    C)Privilege motion
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    D)All of the above
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    A)Constitutional Right
    B)Fundamental Right
    C)Legal Right
    D)Natural Right
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  • Q. Rashtrapati Bhavan was built in-
    Answer: E
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    A)Religions are patronised by the State
    B)Religious worship is not allowed
    C)The state regards religions as a private affairs of the citizen and does not discriminate on this basis
    D)None of these
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    A)1/3 of the members
    B)1/6 of the members
    C)1/12 of the membets
    D)5/6 of the members
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    B)End of session of Parliament
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    A)Right to education
    B)Right to work
    C)Right to expression
    D)Right to vote
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    A)6 months
    B)3 months
    C)1 year
    D)2 year
    Answer: 6 months
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    A)4 years
    B)3 years
    C)5 years
    D)7 years
    Answer: 5 years
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    A)two types
    B)four types
    C)five types
    D)three types
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    A)Fundamental Rights
    B)Directive Principles of State Policy
    C)Fundamental Duties
    D)None of the above
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    A)One year
    B)Six months
    C)Two years
    D)Untill it is repealed by the Parliament
    Answer: Six months

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