More Questions on Indian Politics
- Q. The Prime Minister of India is-
Answer: Appointed
- Q. Who on recommendations made by both houses of parliament can oust the judges of high court before completion of their tenure on the basis of misconduct or incapability?
A)Chief Justice of High Court
B)Chief Justice of India
C)President on recommendations made by both houses of Parliament
D)Special majority in both houses of Parliament
Answer: President on recommendations made by both houses of Parliament
- Q. On which principle, the General Indian Election is based on-
A)Regional Representation
B)Proportional Representation
C)Executive Representation
D)General Representation
Answer: Regional Representation
- Q. Indian Constitution is made up of how many words?
Answer: 1,45,000
- Q. Article-31(A) of the Indian Constitution “Saving of Laws providing for acquisition of estates etc” deals with?
A)The Union Government
B)The State Government
C)The fundamental rights of the Indian Citizen
D)The Directive Principles of State Policy
Answer: The fundamental rights of the Indian Citizen
- Q. Who will be elected as the Deputy Chairman of Rajya Sabha-
A)Any member who is working as a member of Rajya Sabha
B)Any person who is eligible for member of Rajya Sabha
C)Any member of the Parliament
D)A person nominated to Rajya Sabha by the President
Answer: Any member who is working as a member of Rajya Sabha
- Q. Which of the following countries is governed by a King-
D)Saudi Arabia
Answer: Saudi Arabia
- Q. The persons, who can speak in Rajya Sabha and Lok Sabha being a member of Rajya Sabha, are-
A)Leader of Rajya Sabha
B)Deputy Chairman of Rajya Sabha
C)Nominated members of Rajya Sabha
D)The Ministers who are members in Rajya Sabha
Answer: The Ministers who are members in Rajya Sabha
- Q. Who is the custodian of the implementation of the fundamental rights?
A)Supreme court
B)High courts
C)All courts
D)Both A and B
Answer: Both A and B
- Q. The Union List in Seventh Schedule contains:
A)87 Matters/Items.
B)97 Matters/Items.
C)95 Matters/Items.
D)91 Matters/Items.
Answer: 97 Matters/Items.
- Q. Article 1 describes India that is Bharat as :
A)federal state with unitary features
B)union of states
C)unitary state with federal features
D)federal state
Answer: union of states
- Q. What is the full form of MLA in the Indian Constitution?
A)Master of Legislative Assembly
B)Member of Legislative Assembly
C)Member of Left Assembly
D)Master of Left Assembly
Answer: Member of Legislative Assembly
- Q. What kind of right is “Right to vote”-
A)Civil right
B)Human right
C)Natural right
D)Political right
Answer: Political right
- Q. All legislative subject are mentioned in three lists union list, concurrent list and state list. Any subject is not mentioned in all three list, the law on that particular subject can be framed by-
A)State Legislature only
B)Parliament only
C)1 and 2
D)Neither 1 nor 2
Answer: Parliament only
- Q. What is the minimum age for the post of Prime Minister of India?
Answer: 25
- Q. The Administrative Head of the Cabinet Secretariat is
A)The Prime Minister
B)Cabinet Minister
C)Cabinet Secretary
D)The President
Answer: Cabinet Secretary
- Q. The “Rule of law” is the speciality of which of the following-
Answer: Britain
- Q. Which articles of the Constitution of India explicitly confer the power of judicial review on a High Court ?
A)Article 336
B)Article 335
C)Article 13 and Article 226
D)Article 35
Answer: Article 13 and Article 226
- Q. Which of the following is not a Panchayati raj institution-
A)Village Panchayat
B)Village Council
C)Village Co-Operative Society
D)Judicial Panchayat
Answer: Village Co-Operative Society
- Q. The minimum age of the voter in India is
A)18 years
B)15 years
C)21 years
D)25 years
Answer: 18 years
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