More Questions on Indian Politics
- Q. The Administrative Head of the Cabinet Secretariat is
A)The Prime Minister
B)Cabinet Minister
C)Cabinet Secretary
D)The President
Answer: Cabinet Secretary
- Q. Which of the following comes under the jurisdiction of both the High Court and the Supreme Court ?
A)Protection against the vipolation of the Constitution
B)Disputes between the states interse
C)Protection of Fundamental Rights
D)Disputes between centre andthe State
Answer: Protection of Fundamental Rights
- Q. Who among the following supports customary rights?
Answer: Ritchie
- Q. The law framed by Judiciary is called-
A)Case law
B)Ordinary law
C)Rule of law
D)Administrative law
Answer: Case law
- Q. During an emergency all of the fol.owing fundamental rights are suspended, except-
A)Freedom of speech and Expression
B)Freedom of association
C)Personal liberty
D)Freedom of assembly without arms
Answer: Personal liberty
- Q. Which of the following is not mentioned in The Preamble of our constitution-
C)Equality of dignity
D)Adult suffrage
Answer: Adult suffrage
- Q. What is the system of Local Self Government in the Panchayati Raj set up?
A)Three tier structure at village, block and district level
B)Four tier system at the village, block, district and State level
C)Two tier system at village and block level
D)Single tier set up at village level
Answer: Three tier structure at village, block and district level
- Q. Indian federalism is closer to-
Answer: Canada
- Q. The oath of office is administered to the Governor by the
A)The President
B)The Chief justice of India
C)The Chief justice of high court
D)The Speaker of legislative assembly
Answer: The Chief justice of high court
- Q. Is a form of government in which the rulers are elected by the people-
Answer: Democratic
- Q. The most important feature of Cabinet system of Government is-
A)Collective responsibility
B)Individual responsibility
C)Responsibility to none
Answer: Collective responsibility
- Q. The Parliament can legislate on subjects given in the Union List only in consultation with the State Government for the State of-
C)Jammu & Kashmir
Answer: Jammu & Kashmir
- Q. What is the period within which a proclamation of national emergency made by the President is to be placed before each house of the Parliament for approval?
A)Within two months
B)Within one month
C)Within four months
D)Within six months
Answer: Within one month
- Q. In which of the following cases the Supreme Court held that fundamental rights are unamendable?
A)Keshavananda Bharti's case
B)A.K.Gopalan's case
C)M.C. Mehta's case
D)Golak Nath's case
Answer: Golak Nath's case
- Q. Liberalism is a symbol of-
A)Nature and Behaviour
C)Freedom of Social,Political and Economic aspects
D)Religious conservationism
Answer: Freedom of Social,Political and Economic aspects
- Q. How many fundamental rights were there in the beginning?
Answer: Seven
- Q. The Constitutional Advisor of the Constituent Assembly was :
A)B. N. Rau
B)Sachchidananda Sinha
C)Gopalaswamy Ayyangar
D)H. N. Kunzru
Answer: B. N. Rau
- Q. Which of the following appointment is not in the Jurisdiction of President?
A)Chairman of finance commission
B)Chief justice of India
C)Chief of army
D)Speaker of Lok Sabha
Answer: Speaker of Lok Sabha
- Q. The term of members of Union Public Service Commission is-
A)5 years or up to the age of 60
B)3 years or upto the age of 58
C)6 years or upto the age of 65
D)6 years
Answer: 6 years or upto the age of 65
- Q. Who was the first Woman Judge of the supreme court?
A)Ruma Pal
B)Sujata Manohar
C)M.S.Fathima Beevi
D)None of these
Answer: M.S.Fathima Beevi
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