Q. A passenger, on his transcontinental railway journey in Europe comes across the cities. What is the sequence in which he touches these cities in his east to west journey? 1. Belgrade 2. Vienna 3. Sophia 4. Prague

Correct Answer

3, 1, 2, 4

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    A)Local thunderstorms
    B)Retreating monsoon
    C)Temperate cyclones
    D)Shift in jet stream movement
    Answer: Temperate cyclones
  • Q. Sink hole is a phenomenon of ________ topography
    Answer: Karst
  • Q. Which state has the largest coastline in India?
    B)Andhra Pradesh
    D)Tamil Nadu
    Answer: Andhra Pradesh
  • Q. Indira Gandhi Zoological Park is located in:
    Answer: Vishakhapatnam
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    Answer: Chennai
  • Q. Evidence suggests that life on Earth has existed for about ________.
    A)35 million years
    B)3.5 million years
    C)35 billion years
    D)3.5 billion years
    Answer: 3.5 billion years
  • Q. Katchatheevu Island was ceded by India to which country in 1974?
    B)Sri Lanka
    Answer: Sri Lanka
  • Q. When does tides rise in sea?
    A)When Moon is on first phase
    B)Only on lunar day
    C)Full Moon and half Moon
    D)Only half Moon
    Answer: Full Moon and half Moon
  • Q. Soil erosion in desert area can be prevented
    A)By forestation
    B)By strip ploughing
    C)By using manure
    D)By shifting cultivation
    Answer: By forestation
  • Q. On the Equator the day and night are equal
    A)On winter solstice
    B)On equinoxes
    C)On summer solstice
    D)Throughout the year
    Answer: Throughout the year
  • Q. With reference to the sub-tropical high pressure belt, consider the following statements: 1. It is affected by Earth’s rotation and descent of winds from higher altitudes. 2. It is dynamically induced and characterized with anti-cyclonic conditions. Which of the statement(s) given above is/are correct?
    A)2 only
    B)1 only
    C)Both 1 and 2
    D)Neither 1 nor 2
    Answer: 2 only
  • Q. The south west monsoon engulfs the entire India by
    A)1st July
    B)5th June
    C)15th June
    D)15th July
    Answer: 15th July
  • Q. Small daily and seasonal range of temperature, comparatively cool summer and comparatively warm winter. This would be the characteristic climate of ________
    A)The interior of a continent
    B)An island
    C)A tropical country
    D)Temperate latitudes
    Answer: An island
  • Q. The total length of the oceanic ridge systems is of the order of
    A)95000 km
    B)40000 km
    C)65000 km
    D)150000 km
    Answer: 65000 km
  • Q. Exposure of rock to the changes of temperature is the cause of ________
    A)Degradational weathering
    B)Biological weathering
    C)Chemical weathering
    D)Mechanical weathering
    Answer: Mechanical weathering
  • Q. The only zone in the country that produces gold is also rich in iron is
    A)Southern zone
    B)North-eastern zone
    C)North-western zone
    D)None of the above
    Answer: Southern zone
  • Q. The Trans-Siberian railway links
    A)Buanos Aires with Valparaiso
    B)The Baltic coast with the North Sea
    C)Leningrad with Oldiotsk
    D)Leningrad with Vladivostok
    Answer: Leningrad with Vladivostok
  • Q. The core of the Earth is also known as
    Answer: Barysphere
  • Q. The method of soil conservation in which different crops are grown in alternate rows and are sown at different times to protect the soil from rain wash is called?
    D)Terrace farming
    Answer: Intercropping

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