Q. A law can be enacted, or executive order issued, even contrary to Article-19, during proclamation of emergency-

Correct Answer

Casued by war or external aggression

More Questions on Indian Politics

  • Q. The initial tenure of member of Lok Sabha was 5 years, it was changed by 42nd amendment to-
    A)7 years
    B)9 years
    C)6 years
    D)8 years
    Answer: 6 years
  • Q. Which of the following statement(s) is/are CORRECT? I. In federal government, power is distributed among the legislature, executive and judiciary. II. Due to political competition in a democracy, social divisions get reflected in politics. III. Communal politics is based on the belief that one religion is superior to that of others.
    A)I, II and III
    B)I and II
    C)I and III
    D)II and III
    Answer: I, II and III
  • Q. What is the meaning of “Judicial Review” of Supreme Court-
    A)Review of the functioning of judiciary in country
    B)Review of its own verdict
    C)Review of constitutional validity of laws
    D)Timely review of constitution
    Answer: Review of constitutional validity of laws
  • Q. The preamble says that the state in India will assure the dignity of the individual. The constitution seeks to achieve this object by guaranteeing
    A)the right to adequate means of livelihood to each individual
    B)equal fundamental rights to each citizen
    C)just and humane conditions of work to each individual
    D)equal wages for equal work to each individual irrespective of sex
    Answer: equal fundamental rights to each citizen
  • Q. There are total parliamentary seats (Rajya Sabha constituency) in Odisha-
    Answer: 10
  • Q. Article-41 of the Indian Constitution “Right to work to education and to public assistance in certain cases” deals with?
    A)The directive principles of state policy
    B)The Union Government
    C)The State Government
    D)The fundamental rights of the Indian Citizen
    Answer: The directive principles of state policy
  • Q. If the President declares emergency then this proclamation must be approved by the Parliament within-
    A)6 Months
    B)1 year
    C)3 Months
    D)1 Months
    Answer: 1 Months
  • Q. If the Directive principles of state policy would have not been enforced by government where can the citizens go?
    A)Supreme court
    B)High court
    C)National human rights commission
    D)None of these
    Answer: None of these
  • Q. The nature of the anti-imperialist struggle was
    A)initially constitutional and by large non-violent
    B)always peaceful and constitutional
    C)based on continuous armed resistance
    D)largely supported by foreign powers
    Answer: initially constitutional and by large non-violent
  • Q. The inclusion of a separate chapter on fundamental duties in the Constitution was recommended by
    A)Ram Nandan Committee
    B)Sardar Swaran Singh Committee
    C)Mondal Commitee
    D)None of the above
    Answer: Sardar Swaran Singh Committee
  • Q. The number of parliamentary seats (Lok Sabha) of Kamataka is-
    Answer: 28
  • Q. Article 27 of the Indian Constitution “Freedom as to payment of taxes for promotion of any particular religion” deals with?
    A)The State Government
    B)The Union Government
    C)The Directive Principles of State Policy
    D)The fundamental rights of the Indian Citizen
    Answer: The fundamental rights of the Indian Citizen
  • Q. Sovereign Parliament is a contribution of-
    Answer: England
  • Q. CTBT denotes-
    A)Drug control measures
    B)Arms control measures
    C)Financial control measures
    D)Trade control and regulation
    Answer: Arms control measures
  • Q. _____ means that the Presjdent of India can refer any matter that is of public importance or that which involves interpretation of Constitution to Supreme Court for advice.
    A)Writ Jurisdiction
    B)Original Jurisdiction
    C)Appellate Jurisdiction
    D)Advisory Jurisdiction
    Answer: Advisory Jurisdiction
  • Q. The original 1950 Constitution of India is preserved in-
    A)Prime Minister House
    B)President House
    C)Parliament House
    D)Archaeological Survey of India
    Answer: Parliament House
  • Q. The speaker of the Lok Sabha can ask a member of the house to stop speaking and let another member speak. This phenomenon is known as :
    A)Yielding the floor
    B)Crossing the floor
    C)Point of Order
    D)Calling Attention Motion
    Answer: Yielding the floor
  • Q. What is the maximum period for which the Vice President can act as the President in case of vacancy in the the President’s office?
    A)6 months
    B)3 months
    C)1 year
    D)2 year
    Answer: 6 months
  • Q. In which language, Lok Sabha debates are printed?
    D)Both Hindi & English
    Answer: Both Hindi & English
  • Q. The members of Parliament can express themselves in the House in
    A)Hindi only
    B)English only
    C)English or Hindi
    D)English, Hindi or mother tongue
    Answer: English, Hindi or mother tongue

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