Q. __________ started an all-India campaign for restoring the entrance age of 21 and for simultaneous ICS examination in India

Correct Answer

S. N. Banerjee

More Questions on British Rule

  • Q. The British attitude towards granting India independence changed partly owing to the
    A)Impact of World War II
    B)Change in the government of the UK
    C)Growing tide of Indian Nationalism
    D)All of the above
    Answer: All of the above
  • Q. Which of the following act led to the introduction of dual system of government in India?
    A)The Regulating Act, AD 1773
    B)Pitt's India Act, AD 1784
    C)Charter Act, 1793 AD
    D)Charter Act, 1813 AD
    Answer: Pitt's India Act, AD 1784
  • Q. Consider the following on the chronology of appointment of Viceroys I. Reading II. Irwin III. Wellingdon IV. Linlithgow
    A)III, II, IV, II
    B)I, II, III , IV
    C)IV, III, II, I
    D)II, IV, III, I
    Answer: I, II, III , IV
  • Q. The Ancient Monuments Preservation Act was passed during the viceroyalty of
    Answer: Curzon
  • Q. Punjab was annexed to the British empire during the reign of Governor General
    A)Lord Dalhousie
    B)Lord Bentinck
    C)Lord Cornwallis
    D)Lord Canning
    Answer: Lord Dalhousie
  • Q. Who among the following Viceroys became a victim of one of the convicts during his visit to the Andamans?
    Answer: Mayo
  • Q. Madras was returned by the French to the British in 1748 by the Treaty of
    Answer: Aix-la-Chapelle
  • Q. Assertion (A): In some places artisans and craftsmen participated in the Revolt of 1857. Reason (R): The British policy of ‘one-way’ free trade destroyed village industries and handicrafts in India
    A)Both A and R is true but R is not a correct explanation of A
    B)Both A and R is true and R is the correct explanation of A
    C)A is true but R is false
    D)A is false but R is true
    Answer: A is true but R is false
  • Q. What did the Rowlatt Act, 1919 empower the British government to do
    A)Shut down any industrial unit at will
    B)Foment class and caste strife
    C)Extend the period of imprisonment for Indians
    D)Detain a person for any duration without a trial
    Answer: Detain a person for any duration without a trial
  • Q. Which of the following is not correct about Montegu- Chelmsford’s Reform & Government of India Act, 1919?
    A)In this Act the central legislative council was replaced by two houses-the imperial legislative assembly and the council of state
    B)It changed the administrative system in India
    C)Education and public health were placed under charge of ministers responsible to the legislature
    D)All of the above are incorrect
    Answer: All of the above are incorrect
  • Q. The Vernacular Press Act was passed in __________
    Answer: 1878
  • Q. The decisive battle of the third Carnatic War was waged between the French and the British at
    Answer: Wandiwash
  • Q. The Act constituting the first legislative interference by the British Parliament in the affairs of India was the
    A)Pitt's India Act, 1784
    B)Fox's India Act, 1783
    C)Regulating Act, 1773
    D)Declaratory Act, 1781
    Answer: Regulating Act, 1773
  • Q. In March 1942, British Prime Minister Winston Churchill appointed the Cripps Mission to resolve Indian political crisis because
    A)of the gravity of the Japanese war menace on India's borders
    B)he was under pressure from the US President Roosevelt
    C)both A and B above
    D)of INA's initial success on India's eastern borders
    Answer: both A and B above
  • Q. Who said that the exploitative nature of British rule was ‘Bleeding India White’?
    A)Dadabhai Naoroji
    D)Annie Besant
    Answer: Dadabhai Naoroji
  • Q. The inauguration of the Ganapati and Shivaji Festivals was done by
    Answer: 1895
  • Q. The ‘Sepoy Mutiny’ was in the year __________
    Answer: 1857
  • Q. After the commencement of the government of India Act-1858, what name was to British Governor-General of India?
    A)Governor of the state
    B)Governor-General of India
    C)Viceroy of the state
    D)None of these
    Answer: Viceroy of the state
  • Q. Which Indian ruler had requested Napoleon for help in driving the British away from India?
    A)Jai Singh
    C)Tipu Sultan
    D)Rani of Jhansi
    Answer: Tipu Sultan
  • Q. The policy of Doctrine of lapse was introduced by __________
    A)Lord William Bentinck
    B)Lord Wellesley
    C)Lord Macaulay
    D)Lord Dalhousie
    Answer: Lord Dalhousie

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