Q. ________ percent sub – quota for women under all reserved categories
Correct Answer
More Questions on Indian Railway
Q. Loco Pilot shall sound _________ whistle to acknowledge the Guard hand signal.
A)Three Long B)One Long C)Two Long D)None of these
Answer: One Long
Q. Consider the following: 1)Real Estate Investment Trust 2)Railway operation 3)Atomic Energy As of now, there is no FDI in India, in which of above sector(s)?
A)1, 2 & 3 B)1 Only C)1 & 2 Only D)None
Answer: 1, 2 & 3
Q. If the points are set for main line, point indicator gives ________ light in the night.
A)Yellow B)red C)Green D)White
Answer: White
Q. What is the speed of second train on double line section running on T/A602?
A)10 kmph B)20 kmph C)15 kmph D)8 kmph
Answer: 8 kmph
Q. At the enroute, CC rake goods train must have ________ % of brake power.
A)90 B)75 C)50 D)100
Answer: 90
Q. On DL in ________ minutes gap trains must be started during total interruption of communication.
A)30 B)20 C)10 D)None of these
Answer: 30
Q. Track maintenance machine is permitted to work during
A)Day clear weather B)Day C)Day and Night D)None of these
Answer: Day and Night
Q. During poor visibility the speed of lorry is
A)5 kmph B)8 kmph C)15 kmph D)None of these
Answer: 5 kmph
Q. Maximum permissible speed is fixed by ________.
A)MT B)CRS C)GM D)None of these
Answer: CRS
Q. There is insufficient vacuum/pressure in engine.
A)_____00 B)___0___ C)0___0 D)00-----
Answer: 00-----
Q. The Ministry of Railways has recently launched which app for freight managers?
Q. During thick & foggy weather, line must be clear upto ________ for granting line clear at a B’ class station in TALQ signalling system on Double line.
A)Shunt signal B)Calling-on Signal C)Home Signal D)None of these
Answer: Home Signal
Q. When a stream engine is running tender foremost the speed shall not exceed ________.
A)30 kmph B)40 kmph C)20 kmph D)None of these
Answer: 40 kmph
Q. After getting T/369(I) speed over the points while passing the signal is ________ km/h.
A)25 B)75 C)15 D)30
Answer: 15
Q. SLB determines the limits of block section and ________.
A)Station Limit B)Block Section C)Station Section D)None of these
Answer: Station Section
Q. Which of the following faunal species found in India are invasive species? 1)Railway Creeper 2)Lantana 3)Black wattle Select the correct option from the codes given below:
A)Only 2 & 3 B)Only 1 C)Only 1 & 2 D)1, 2 & 3
Answer: 1, 2 & 3
Q. What should be done by guard if train entering in block section without authority to proceed?
A)Protect the Train B)Stop the Train C)Inform to SM D)All of above
Answer: All of above
Q. When a train is working on T/B 912 in automatic block in system the speed of train when the view ahead is clear with straight line is
A)15 kmph B)25 kmph C)20 kmph D)None of these
Answer: 25 kmph
Q. What type of speed restriction imposed for loco pilot when at LC gate communication not available between Gateman & Station Master ?
A)8 kmph B)15 kmph C)10 kmph D)Normal
Answer: 10 kmph
Q. Normally the train with hot axle is admitted on ________.
A)Main Line B)Loop Line C)Siding Line D)None of these