Q. ________ is known as the Queen of the Arabian Sea.

Correct Answer


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    Answer: Convectional
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    A)Tidal bore occurs when a tide enters the narrow and shallow estuary of a river
    B)Gulfs with narrow fronts and wider rears experience high tides
    C)Tidal currents take place when a gulf is connected with the open sea by a narrow channel
    D)The tidal nature of the mouth of the river Hooghly is of crucial importance to Kolkata as port
    Answer: Gulfs with narrow fronts and wider rears experience high tides
  • Q. Which one among the following statements regarding India’s coal is not correct?
    A)Bituminous coal is found in both lower Gondwana rocks and in Tertiary rocks
    B)98 percent of reserves of coal in India belongs to Gondwana period
    C)Unknown amount of coal lies buried under the Ganga alluvium and the Deccan Trap
    D)Gondwana coal is mainly found in the river valleys of Damodar, Mahanadi and Godavari
    Answer: Bituminous coal is found in both lower Gondwana rocks and in Tertiary rocks
  • Q. In demographic features, India is sorted out in which of the following stage of population cycle?
    A)Late expanding stage
    B)Early expanding stage
    C)High stationary
    D)Declining stage
    Answer: Late expanding stage
  • Q. Among the following places, which one receives comparatively lowest average monsoon rainfall from June to September?
    B)Eastern Uttar Pradesh
    C)Southern West Bengal
    D)Western Uttar Pradesh
    Answer: Western Uttar Pradesh
  • Q. Which of the following layers of the Earth’s atmosphere provide ideal flying conditions for Jet aircraft?
    Answer: Stratosphere
  • Q. The time of Cairo is 2 hours ahead of Greenwich time Cairo is situated at ________
    A)30° East
    B)27° East
    C)27° West
    D)30° West
    Answer: 30° East
  • Q. If the difference in time between, two places were 2 hours and 20 minutes, then the difference in their longitudes would be ________
    Answer: 35°
  • Q. The Indian river of the Indus Basin are
    A)Betwa, Sone and Kosi
    B)Sutlej, Beas and Ravi
    C)Ganga, Beas and Sutlej
    D)Gomati, Kosi, Gandak
    Answer: Sutlej, Beas and Ravi
  • Q. Cyclone is a system of wind blowing ________
    A)In a straight line from high to low pressure region
    B)Spirally outwards from a high pressure region
    C)Spirally towards low pressure region
    D)From Ball of Bengal towards Bangladesh annually
    Answer: Spirally towards low pressure region
  • Q. Albedo is defined as ________
    A)Celestial bodies in earth's atmosphere which add to the greenhouse effect
    B)UV radiations sent out by the SUN
    C)A substance contained in the upper atmospheric layers of the earth, which is responsible for the reflection of/a part of solar radiations
    D)The amount of insolation reflected back to the space by the top of atmosphere, by clouds and ice-covered areas of the Earth's surface
    Answer: The amount of insolation reflected back to the space by the top of atmosphere, by clouds and ice-covered areas of the Earth's surface
  • Q. The total number of layers above Earth are
    Answer: 5
  • Q. Sand stone, Conglomerate, Limestone, Shale, Chalk and Coal are example of:
    A)Metamorphic Rocks
    B)Igneous Rocks
    C)Sedimentary Rocks
    D)None of Above
    Answer: Sedimentary Rocks
  • Q. Who demarcated the boundary line between India and Pakistan?
    A)Cyril Radcliffe
    B)Lord Curzon
    C)Lord Canning
    D)Stafford Cripps
    Answer: Cyril Radcliffe
  • Q. Which among the following statments is true regarding International Date Line?
    A)It is a big circle
    B)It is 180° Longitude
    C)It is a straight line
    D)It is a curved line beyond Earth
    Answer: It is 180° Longitude
  • Q. Which of the following types of forests mostly grow in the belt lying between 50° N and 70° N ?
    A)Temperate deciduous forests
    B)Temperate hardwood forests
    C)Temperate coniferous forests
    D)Tropical evergreen forests
    Answer: Temperate coniferous forests
  • Q. The urban population of the world is growing faster than Its rural population. This is mainly because of
    A)High death rate in rural areas
    B)High birth rate in towns
    C)Rural-urban migration
    D)Low death rate in towns
    Answer: Rural-urban migration
  • Q. Which of the following countries is known as the ‘Sugar bowl of the World’ ?
    Answer: Cuba
  • Q. Where is Mumbai High located
    A)Western Ghat
    B)Continental Shelf of Arabian sea
    C)Western Coastal Plain
    D)Internal Plains of South
    Answer: Continental Shelf of Arabian sea
  • Q. All of the following types of climates occur in the southern hemisphere except ________
    B)Hot desert
    Answer: Tundra

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