Q. Who is the chairman of planning commission?

Correct Answer

Prime Minister

More Questions on Indian Politics

  • Q. In case no party enjoys absolute majority in the Legislative Assembly of a state, the Governor will go by-
    A)The advice of the Prime Minister
    B)The advice of former Chief Minister
    C)The advice of the President of India
    D)His own discretion
    Answer: His own discretion
  • Q. The Certain fundamental rights are not given to-
    B)Insolvent persons
    C)Deceased person
    D)Political victims
    Answer: Foreigner
  • Q. In which year was the Capital of India moved from Calcutta to Delhi?
    Answer: 1911
  • Q. To whom, “The Union Public Service Commission presents its report”-
    C)Lok Sabha
    D)Rajya Sabha
    Answer: President
  • Q. Konkani is the official language of –
    A)Dadra and Nagar Haveli
    C)Daman and Diu
    Answer: Daman and Diu
  • Q. Who is the father of ‘Utilitarian School of Thought’?
    C)James Mill
    Answer: Bentham
  • Q. Which of the following has the feature of dual citizenship?
    A)Federal Government
    B)Unitary Government
    C)Parliamentary Government
    D)President Ruled Government
    Answer: Federal Government
  • Q. Article-19 of the Indian Constitution “Protection of certain rights regarding freedom of speech etc” deals with?
    A)The State Government
    B)The Union Government
    C)The directive principles of state policy
    D)The fundamental rights of the Indian Citizen
    Answer: The fundamental rights of the Indian Citizen
  • Q. When were the fundamental duties inserted in Indian constitution?
    Answer: 1976
  • Q. Which Fundamental Right in the Indian Constitution states that all persons shall be equally protected by the laws of the country?
    A)Right to Freedom
    B)Right to Equality
    C)Right against exploitation
    D)Right to Freedom of Religion
    Answer: Right to Equality
  • Q. According to our Constifution, India is-
    A)A Secillar State
    B)A Religious State
    C)A Capitalist State
    D)A plutocratic State
    Answer: A Secillar State
  • Q. Which of the following was a popular slogan of French revolution?
    A)Liberty, Equality, Fraternity
    B)Sovereign Democratic Republic
    C)Freedom, Equality and Justice
    D)Freedom, Equality and Accountability
    Answer: Liberty, Equality, Fraternity
  • Q. What is the total number of members in Rajya Sabha from States and Union Territories?
    Answer: 238
  • Q. Which among the following Article of the Indian Constitution provides for State emergency and suspends constitutional arrangement in a State?
    Answer: Article-356
  • Q. The president of the constituent assembly of India was:
    A)Jawahar Lal Nehru
    B)Dr. Rajendra Prasad.
    C)Sachidanand Sahu
    D)Hakim Ajmal Khan
    Answer: Dr. Rajendra Prasad.
  • Q. If Parliament has to legislate with respect to a matter in the state list, the proposal for such is to be approved by-
    A)Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha both
    B)Lok Sabha, Rajya Sabha and Legislature of related State
    C)Rajya Sabha
    D)Lok Sabha
    Answer: Rajya Sabha
  • Q. The Legislative Council in a State in India may be created or abolished by the-
    B)President on the recommendation of the Govemor
    C)Parliament after the State Legislative Assembly passes a resolution to that effect
    D)Governor on a recommendation by the State Cabinet
    Answer: Parliament after the State Legislative Assembly passes a resolution to that effect
  • Q. The minimum number of members that must be present to hold the meeting of the Lok Sabha is
    A)one-tenth of the total membership of the Houses
    B)one-fourth of the total membership
    C)50 percent strength of the Lok Sabha
    D)at least 100 members
    Answer: one-tenth of the total membership of the Houses
  • Q. In which of the following situations Habeas corpus writ is issued?
    A)Extra tax receipts
    B)Loss of property
    C)Faulty police detention
    D)Violation of freedom of Expression
    Answer: Faulty police detention
  • Q. The parliamentary form of government as prevalent in India emphasizes the interdependence between :
    A)Urban Development and Rural Development.
    B)Social Justice & Empowerment.
    C)Urban Employment and Poverty.
    D)The Legislative and Executive Organs.
    Answer: The Legislative and Executive Organs.

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