Q. For how many days did Mahatma Gandhi’s volunteers of the Salt satyagraha walk?


Correct Answer : 24

Q. From where did Acharya Vinoba Bhave start the Individual Satyagraha in 1940?


Correct Answer : Pavnar in Maharashtra

Q. Gandhi gave the call to reject all foreign goods during the __________ Movement


Correct Answer : Swadeshi

Q. Gandhi had given out the stirring call of ‘Do or Die’ during the __________ Movement


Correct Answer : Quit India

Q. Given below are the names of prominent leaders and their respective operational areas during the the revolt period. Select the incorrect pair


Correct Answer : Rani Laxmibai - Indore

Q. Govind Dhondu Pant, popularly known was Nanasaheb, and one of the principal leaders of the Revolt of 1857, was the adopted heir and successor of


Correct Answer : Peshwa Baji Rao II

Q. Hindu-Muslim unity had been particularly reflected in the __________ Movement


Correct Answer : Khilafat

Q. I. Eradication of all possible race, creed or provincial prejudices among all lovers of India. II. Promotion of personal intimacy among all the earnest workers in the cause of India. III. Formulation of popular demands. IV. Organisation of a violent struggle for the political emancipation of India. Which of the above statement(s) is/are correct related to the aims of the Indian National Congress in the early phases?


Correct Answer : I, II & III

Q. I. The Amritsar Session of the INC gave a great fillip to the Khilafat agitation. II. Khilafat conference held in Calcutta under Presidentship of Jinnah. III. Khilafat Movement was started to support Ottoman Empire. Which of the above statement (s) is/are correct regarding Khilafat Movement?


Correct Answer : Both I and III

Q. I. The rebels lacked effective leadership. II. They did not get the support of the civilian people anywhere in the country. III. There was no central organisation to guide them. IV. Their military equipment was inferior to that of the English. Which of these statements is/are correct related the causes for the failure of the Great Revolt of 1857?


Correct Answer : I, III & IV