Q. Before the Regulating Act was passed in 1773, there was __________ at home to administer the East India Company


Correct Answer : A Committee of 24

Q. Bengal British India Society founded in Calcutta on 20 April 1843, was the __________ political public association to be formed in British India, the first being the zamindari association (1837)


Correct Answer : Second

Q. British Crown assumed sovereignty over Indian from the East Indian Company in the year


Correct Answer : 1858

Q. British Indian Association was founded on October 29, 1851 at__________


Correct Answer : Calcutta

Q. British Prime Minister Attlee made the historic announcement of the end of British rule in India (and transfer of power to responsible Indian hands by a date not later than June1948) on


Correct Answer : February 20, 1947

Q. By the Act of 1773, Parliament granted a loan of __________ to the East India Company


Correct Answer : Rs. 400,000

Q. By the Charter Act of 1813 the Indian trade except in __________ was thrown open to all British subjects


Correct Answer : Tea

Q. By which Charter Act, the East India Company’s monopoly of trade with China come to an end?


Correct Answer : Charter Act of 1833

Q. Charles Wood’s Despatch__________


Correct Answer : 1854

Q. Consider the following according to the correct chronological order of the Governors-General during British India I. Wellesley II. Marquess of Hastings III. Amherst IV. Bentinck


Correct Answer : I, II, III & IV