Q. As per ‘August Offer’ the British objective for India was __________


Correct Answer : Dominion Status

Q. As the unrest continued unabatedly, the Madras government appointed . . . . . . the collector of Malabar as special commissioner to enquire into the causes of the uprisings and recommend remedial measures.


Correct Answer : William Logan

Q. Assertion (A): British excluded the Indian middle and upper classes from the high administrative and military posts. Reason (R): Many of the traditional zamindars lost their zamindaris to the new class of urban-based absentee landlords


Correct Answer : A is false but R is true

Q. Assertion (A): East India Association in London was organised by Dadabhai Naoroji. Reason (R): He wanted to influence the British public opinion


Correct Answer : A is true but R is false

Q. Assertion (A): In some places artisans and craftsmen participated in the Revolt of 1857. Reason (R): The British policy of ‘one-way’ free trade destroyed village industries and handicrafts in India


Correct Answer : A is true but R is false

Q. Assertion (A): On 25th April, 1809, the Treaty of Amritsar was signed between Ranjit Singh and East India Company. Reason (R): Ranjit Singh wanted to increase the realm of his empire with the help of the company


Correct Answer : A is true but R is false

Q. Assertion (A): The announcement of the Simon Commission aroused widespread Indian resentment. Reason (R): The British Government in defiance of the opinion of all parties in India had deliberately decided to appoint an all British Commission


Correct Answer : Both A and R is true and R is the correct explanation of A

Q. At which place in Bengal was the East India Company given permission to trade and build a factory by the Mughals in 1651 ?


Correct Answer : Qasim Bazar

Q. August Offer 1940 was made by the Viceroy


Correct Answer : Linlithgow

Q. Author of Poverty and Un-British Rule in India is__________


Correct Answer : Naoroji Dadabhai