Q. Which of the following Bhakti Saints poem is compiled in Sur Sagar, Sahitva Ratna and Sur Sarawali?


Correct Answer : Sur Das

Q. Which of the following Bhakti sect founded by Birbhan and their religious granth is revered like the Granth of the Sikhs?


Correct Answer : Satnamis

Q. Which of the following concept the Bhakti movement of Hinduism saw two ways of imaging the nature of the divine (Brahman)?


Correct Answer : Nirguna and Saguna

Q. Which of the following cult was popularised by Chaitanya?


Correct Answer : Krishna Cult

Q. Which of the following is an intensely emotional form of Hinduism that flourished from the sixteenth century, mainly in Bengal and eastern Orissa?


Correct Answer : Gaudiya Sampradaya

Q. Which of the following is associated with Sufi saints?


Correct Answer : Khanjah

Q. Which of the following is related to the concept of Nirguna Brahman?


Correct Answer : Advaita

Q. Which of the following is/are the compositions of Kabir?


Correct Answer : All of the above

Q. Which of the following reason was influenced by the preaching of Bhakti Saints Nimbarka and Vallabhacharya?


Correct Answer : Telangana Region

Q. Which of the following sect is emphasised on nirguni Bhakti – devotion to a divine without Gunas (qualities or form), but it accepts both nirguni and saguni forms of the divine?


Correct Answer : Sikhism