Q. Arrange the following rivers in descending order of their length: 1. Ravi 2. Cauvery 3. Sutlej 4. Yamuna


Correct Answer : 4, 3, 2, 1

Q. Canal irrigation is most important in north India because the


Correct Answer : Sources of the canals are the perennial rivers

Q. Canal irrigation is most important in the Northern Plains of India because ________


Correct Answer : The sources of canals are perennial rivers

Q. Consider the following pairs- Tributary : Main River 1 Chambal : Yamuna 2 Son : Narmada 3 Manas : Brahmaputra Which of the following is correctly matched


Correct Answer : 1, 3

Q. Consider the following pairs: Tributary – Main River a Chambal – Narmada b Son – Yamuna c Manas – Brahmaputra Which of the pairs given above is/are correctly matched


Correct Answer : c only

Q. Consider the following pairs: Tributary River Main River 1. Chambal Narmada 2. Sone Yamuna 3. Manas Brahmaputra Which of the pairs given above is/are correctly matched?


Correct Answer : 3 only