Q. Why are major fishing areas of the world confined to the temperate zone? I. Cold and warm currents meet, creating conditions favourable for plankton growth II. The fish of these waters are highly palatable as human food III. There is a ready mark, in the land masses of the zone IV. The existence of submarine plateaus help in growth of fish population


Correct Answer : I, II, III and IV

Q. Why are the ports of Baltic sea opened for trade in winter?


Correct Answer : North Atlantic warm currents flow in this region

Q. With reference to a fresh water lake, consider the following characteristics: 1. Richness in nutrients 2. Rapid turnover of phytoplankton 3. Depletion of dissolved oxygen Which of the above is/are observed in a lake after its eutrophication?


Correct Answer : 1, 2 and 3

Q. With reference to Ocean currents consider the following statements: 1. West Australian current is a warm current. 2. North East Monsoon Drift flows in the Indian Ocean during winter season. 3. Equatorial counter current does not flow in the Indian Ocean during winter season. 4. Kuroshic current in the Pacific Ocean is like Gulf Stream in the Atlantic Ocean.


Correct Answer : 2 and 4