Q. Which of the following winds is incorrectly paired with the area in which it prevails?


Correct Answer : Hurricanes - New Zealand

Q. Which of these statements are correct regarding the atmosphere of the earth: 1. It is enveloping the earth because of gravity. 2. Its density decreases with increasing height from the surface of the earth. 3. Its characteristic composition is same throughout its height. 4. Amount of pressure it exerts on earth’s surface at sea level is called one atm sphere.


Correct Answer : 1, 2 and 4

Q. Which of these statements are correct with reference to tornadoes? 1. Tornadoes are smaller and more intense than hurricanes. 2. Tornadoes are most abundant along the eastern coast of India. 3. The average tornado lasts for less than one hour. 4. Tornadoes are most common in the afternoons in the early summer.


Correct Answer : 1, 3 and 4

Q. Which one among the following forces is most powerful in determining movement of wind including its velocity ?


Correct Answer : Pressure gradient force

Q. Which one among the following is a high cloud?


Correct Answer : Cirrus

Q. Which one among the following local winds is not characteristically hot and dry?


Correct Answer : Mistral

Q. Which one among the following statements relating to a cyclone is not correct?


Correct Answer : Wind movement towards the low pressure centre of a cyclone is clockwise in the northern hemisphere

Q. Which one among the following statements relating to an anticyclone is correct?


Correct Answer : Anticyclone is a wind system with a high pressure centre

Q. Which one of the following characteristics is not associated with the tropical cyclones?


Correct Answer : Calm conditions return when the eye of the cyclone arrives

Q. Which one of the following climates is found in coastal areas of Californian North America, Central Chile in South America and South-West tip of West Australia?


Correct Answer : Mediterranean