Q. A devastating Cloud Burst swept over Leh on August 2010. Which one of the following statements with regard to Cloud Burst is not correct?


Correct Answer : Cloud Burst occurs only in hilly areas

Q. A fragment of solid matter which enters the upper atmosphere from outer space almost disintegrating before reaching the earth’s surface is


Correct Answer : Meteor

Q. A layer in the Earth’s atmosphere called Ionosphere facilitates radio communication. Why? 1. The presence of ozone causes the reflection of radio waves to Earth. 2. Radio waves have a very long wavelength. Which of the statements given above is fare correct?


Correct Answer : Neither 1 nor 2

Q. A level of atmosphere which is composed partly of Electrons and Positive Ions is called


Correct Answer : Ionosphere

Q. A sudden fall in the barometric reading indicates ________


Correct Answer : Storm

Q. A temperature inversion is most likely to occur under which of the following conditions?


Correct Answer : Calm, clear and cool winter night

Q. Agents of fog formation do not include ________


Correct Answer : Diurnal temperatures of short ranges

Q. An important gas in the atmosphere that absorbs sun’s ultraviolet rays is


Correct Answer : Ozone

Q. An upper air wind system with very high velocities in certain parts of the atmosphere is called ________


Correct Answer : Jet stream

Q. Anticyclones are caused by ________


Correct Answer : Winds that blow spirally outwards from the centre