More Questions on Indian Economy
- Q. The programme which was launched in 1974-75 with the main objectives of improving the utilization of created irrigation potential is:
A)Cordial Area Development
B)Copper Area Development
C)Command Area Development (CAD)
D)Cop Authority Development
Answer: Command Area Development (CAD)
- Q. With which country did India’s comprehensive Economic partnership Agreement come into effect on August 1, 2011?
C)South Korea
Answer: Japan
- Q. Of the gross tax revenue of the Union Government the indirect taxes account for nearly
A)75 percent
B)65 percent
C)70 per cent
D)60 percent
Answer: 65 percent
- Q. The condition of indirect taxes in the country’s revenue is approximately
A)75 percent
B)70 percent
C)80 percent
D)86 percent
Answer: 86 percent
- Q. In India, which one among the following formulates the fiscal policy?
A)Ministry of Finance
B)Planning Commission
C)Finance Commission
D)The Reserve Bank of India
Answer: Ministry of Finance
- Q. Navaratna Status is concerned with:
A)Private Sector Companies
B)Both A and B
C)Public Sector Companies
D)None of the above
Answer: Public Sector Companies
- Q. Who is the author of the book Man and Economics?
A)Robert Mundel
B)Myron Scholes
C)Rudi Dornbusch
D)George Akerlof
Answer: Robert Mundel
- Q. The Foreign Exchange Management Act(FEMA) was passed in:
A)the year 2005
B)the year 1999
C)the year 2000
D)the year 2002
Answer: the year 1999
- Q. On July 12, 1982, the ARDC was merged into
D)None of the above
Answer: NABARD
- Q. SEBI which was established in April 1988 stands for:
A)Securities and Exchange Board of India
B)Share and Exchange Board of India
C)Securities and Exchange Bureau of India
D)Security and Economic Board of India
Answer: Securities and Exchange Board of India
- Q. How many banks were nationalized in 1969?
Answer: 14
- Q. Government has merged Annapurna Scheme with:
C)National Old Age Pension Scheme
D)None of these
Answer: National Old Age Pension Scheme
- Q. Deficit financing leads to inflation in general, but it can be checked if
A)only aggregate demand is increased
B)government expenditure leads to increase in the aggregate supply in ratio of aggregate demand
C)all the expenditure is denoted national debt payment only
D)All of the above
Answer: All of the above
- Q. Monopolies and restrictive Trade practices (MRTP) act was passed in:
Answer: 1969
- Q. The largest producer of Coffee in the country is:
A)Tamil Nadu
B)Andhra Pradesh
Answer: Karnataka
- Q. The annual yield from which of the following Union Government taxes is the highest?
A)Corporation tax and income tax
B)Inheritance tax, wealth tax, interest tax and gift tax
C)Custom duties
D)Excise duties
Answer: Excise duties
- Q. Finance Commission is constituted after every:
A)5 years
B)3 years
C)6 years
D)4 years
Answer: 5 years
- Q. In November 2007, the finance commission constituted by the president of India was:
Answer: Thirteenth
- Q. In India the term Black Revolution is associated with:
A)Nurturing the Black Soil
B)Self-dependence in the production of coal
C)Self-dependence in the production of petroleum crude oil
D)Self-dependence in the production of balck corp
Answer: Self-dependence in the production of petroleum crude oil
- Q. Fiscal deficit in the Union Budget means
A)net increase in Union Governments borrowings from the Reserve Bank of India
B)the sum of budgetary deficit and net increase in internal and external borrowings
C)the difference between current expenditure and current revenue
D)the sum of monetized deficit and budgetary deficit
Answer: the sum of budgetary deficit and net increase in internal and external borrowings
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