Q. Which State was formed after the amendment of Articles-239(A) and 240?

Correct Answer

Arunachal Pradesh

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    C)Daman and Diu
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    B)In the year 1990
    C)In the year 1985
    D)In the year 1982
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    C)President and both houses of Parliament
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    B)The religion cannot be mobilised for political ends
    C)Right of life and liberty cannot be suspended under any circumstance
    D)The basic structure of the Constitution, as defined in the Preamble, cannot be changed
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    B)Single-party system
    C)Multi-party system
    D)Two and multi-party system
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    B)Article 19
    C)Article 32
    D)Article 14
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    A)Supreme Court
    B)Lok Sabha
    C)Common man
    D)Member of Parliament
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    B)violating the constitution
    C)for not taking the prime minister's advice
    D)All of the above
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    A)Saehehidandada Sinha
    B)Dr. Rajendra Prasad
    C)B.R Ambedkar
    D)H.V. Kamath
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    B)Temporary, Transitional and Special provisions
    D)Official Language
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    B)Rajiv Gandhi
    C)P.V. Narasimha Rao
    D)Manmohan Singh
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    B)26th January
    C)15th August
    D)26th November
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    Answer: All of these

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